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EE22 - 30 Years Creeps!

Started by Pete Wells, 17 April, 2007, 08:40:34 AM

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The Hershey story is not missing any pages. It's from a time when the Meg run title pages before each story, so no logos, credit cards or part numbers appeared on the strip. Made it cheaper to collect into a sngle, seamless story later, negating the need to reshoot the first page of each episode.

Game of Dolls was Kevin Cullen's first job for the Meg or 2000 AD.



flip-r mk2

It's all right, that's in every contract.
That's what they call a sanity clause.
You can't fool me, there ain't no sanity clause.

Time flies like an arrow, Fruit flies like a banana

Byron Virgo

"it is probably the best thing Igor Goldkind wrote."

That's really nto saying very much though, is it Dave? Have to say, I thought that it was a real waste of space.

To be honest, this is the most disappointing EE I've read yet - and I do normally try and put a positive spin on these things. There again, it's good that new readers are getting to read the annual strips again, just please Tharg - don't let Dredd near an EE again (unless it's to reprint a load of consecutive colour annual strips by McMahon and Ezquerra, in which case I'll shut the fuck up!)

The Adventurer

I don't mind the Dredd EEs, so far everyone has been pretty awesome. I just wouldn't like to see more then one Dredd EE a year.




This EE looks good. I'll seek it out.

- Trout


Thanks Pete, coincidently thats the cover to about the third or fourth issue I brought.

CU Radbacker

Keef Monkey

Really enjoyed this issue, hadn't read any of these stories before except She-Devils, which I read when I was pretty young in a yearbook I think, and the man being crushed in the grinder actually disturbed me for a while afterwards. Nice to be reminded of that. I enjoyed the Hershey story, and apart from the odd shonky panel I thought the art was very nice. As for the Creep thing, I actually really liked the first one but don't remember much after that apart from it getting a bit ridiculous.

Grant Goggans

At least it's Game of Dolls and not that stupid thing about the indestructible harlequin.

Dog Deever

Read most of this before- why can't they keep the Dredd reprints for the Meg, and use the EE's for stories that won't get the graphic novel treatment? People complain about the Meg not being 'Dredd- enough' and cry out for many series to be reprinted. Then they do this... daft. I'm not keen on the cover Dredds lip, his left hand side, looks like it has been punched into a swollen lump, and the whole helmet is stretched across the width of his face, causing dodgy perspective and Art Rage!
Still, I'm just grumpy cause I haven't got the last Meg yet, apparently my local thrill merchant was being supplied by W H Smith in Inverness, who recently offloaded a whole load of workers, so supply was moved to W H Smith in Dundee. And they cocked it up. Cunts.
Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.