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Prog 1535- Terror Eyes

Started by Matt Timson, 30 April, 2007, 11:22:31 AM

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Matt Timson

Have I ever bagged the prog before?

Best line of the entire run of 'Origins':

"Glad to hear it.  Paperwork's piling up."


Pete Wells

Great ending (or is it a beginning?) to Origins, totally breathing new life into Dredd's world. What the fook is he going to do?


Yeah, great ending and a twelve parter coming up. Good news.

Dredd - ended on e low key note, just as it should. Long fuse lit, I think.

Savage, dunno. Odd ending but a great run.

Detonator - still early days but a dependable team doing strong work.

Sin Dex - glad to see the strip back and still moving forwards. Really enervated.

Dante - is this the end for Victor? Will we ever see him again? I almost hope not. Nice ending. What this strip needs though are some new artists to help keep the speed up.

Byron Virgo

Nah, I prefer Dante as just being either Fraser or Burns -  otherwise it all gets a bit too scrappy.

Really kicker of an ending for Dredd - can't wait to see where Wagner takes it from here. Lovely stuff!


'twelve parter coming up'

More details pls?

The Amstor Computer

I think it's a 12 pager actually, and I'm assuming it's a follow-up to Origins.

Will I. Cooling

Come on guys, I want spoilers to the origins ending. Pleaaaaaase.
The I is for 'I can't remember the password to my other account' or Ian. One or the other.


loved the direction of where dredd is going.

Bart Oliver


Do you think Dolman and Fargo share a similar mindset? Perhaps the closest?
Obviously you're not a golfer.

The Amstor Computer

I'd say so. Certainly more so than any of the other Dredds, anyway.


I think this is where Dredd continuity finally coalesces with the "America" storyline.

I, Cosh

A nice ending to Origins. Pretty crazy, but it seems to me like the longest story in recent memory might just be the prologue!

Dante had a good ending, although I'm a bit confused as to whether Nikolai is supposed to have been zipping between Rudinshtein and St Petersburg at the start. More soon please.

Glad to see the back of Savage. Do we know if there is to be another installment? It seems to have come to a natural end, but there are also obvious dangling strands that could be picked.

Have I been smoking crack, or was there some mention of Jock doing a 12 page Dredd tale?
We never really die.

Rio De Fideldo

Reread the whole of Origins last night before reading the final part.

All I can say is wow.

To think John Wagner had said that before he wrote it, Origins would likely be his swansong on Dredd. Its no wonder that the process of plotting and writing it has reinvigorated him. The ending was fantastic and I can't wait to see what Wagner has got planned next.