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Spider-Man 3

Started by Mike Carroll, 03 May, 2007, 03:15:29 PM

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Mike Carroll

Just got back from a special screening* of the third Spidey movie... I won't give any spoilers, but if you really don't want to know anything about the film, then stop reading now!


Still with me?

Okay... Mike's verdict: spectacular, but long. There were a couple of times when I found myself thinking "Hey, isn't Spider-Man supposed to be in this?"

Plot-wise there are a couple of eyebrow-raising "unlikely coincidences" - the sort of thing that's always acceptable in comics, but less so on the big screen. There's also a few places where the movie looks like it could do with another pass through the hands of a good editor, but I'll leave you to find those out for yourself.

The performances are great, as you'd expect from such a good cast, and the special effects and stunts are absolutely stunning.

On the whole: good - at times even great - but not as good as Spider-Man 2.

-- Mike

*Special screening: I've been invited onto the Ryan Tubridy show tomorrow morning to discuss the movie (and superheroes in general), so the screening was arranged for Ryan, two of the producers, my good lady Leonia and myself. Huge cinema, free entry, free beverages, only five patrons, no ads, luxurious VIP seating area... How cool is that? :)


Cheers Mike.

Wow, the only time I've been to a screening like that was whilst unemployed in London and going to the early, cheaper shows in Leicester Square. :)
"Trust we"

Byron Virgo

I don't visit to the old Kinematograph is really complete without an advert or two...


I've been invited onto the Ryan Tubridy show tomorrow morning

You must be the only person to ever get any fun out of the self-satisfied Tubridy, Jack Spratt to Gerry Ryan's Mrs. Spratt.  Ah, don't mind me, Im just jealous...


I'm really looking forward to seeing this film but I'm in a dilema over whether to see it at the weekend or whether to wait a week or two, thus reducing the likelyhood of my smashing some mouthy chav's head against the wall because he doesn't know it's polite to shut the fuck up while in the cinema. I think I might opt for a weekday matinee.


I don't visit to the old Kinematograph is really complete without an advert or two...

I think no ads is ok, but a trip to the flicks isn't right unless it includes...

Bah-bah bah-bah bah-bah bah-bah bah-dah-lah. Bah-bah bah-bah bah-bah-baaaaaa dah!

I, Cosh

Ads? NO!
Trailers? Hell Yeah!
We never really die.

Judge Merlin

I remember sending away for a special screening of Judge Dredd a week ahead of the official starting date.

I was quite surprised at how many people were in the cinema.


I recently found out Kraven the Hunter is in it.

It seems that the door is being kept wide open for more films, with or without the current cast/crew.

I'd love to see the lizard and childhood fave of mine the rhino in future flicks.

Looking forward to it, maybe see it tomorrow after work.

Dan Kelly

Lizard was kinda in the last one, and I've heard rumours that there's a nod to Mysterio this time around as well...


Doctor Strange was mentioned in the First.



Really?? Where's that then?


Jonah Jameson coming up with the name for the new villian:

"Dr. Octopus."
That's crap.                  
"Science Squid"?
"Dr. Strange."
That's pretty good.
But it's taken.
Wait, wait! I got it. "Dr. Octopus."
"Trust we"


Dr Connors AKA The Lizard has been hanging around for three films now. Pretty dull enemy though, let's have the Shocker or Mysterio or the Tarantula. Sinister Six maybe?

I heard that Sony had planned six films but Sam Ramini said he was only signed for 3 and it would take a good script to get him back.

Not seen this yet, waiting for the cinema to quieten down - bloody twice a year cinema attendees!