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Started by WoD, 05 May, 2007, 10:11:04 PM

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I enjoyed the story, but the it crap or is it just me not getting it?

If anyone wants the EE then say so quick as it is in the resyk bin.

Adrian Bamforth

I like the art and the atmosphere but just found it too much hard work even in the EE.


EE has been taken, but I'm glad it was not just me then...

Richmond Clements

I made it a couple of episodes into Book 2 and gave up.

Dark Jimbo

Quite liked it. Not honestly expecting much but pleasantly surprised.

Keef Monkey

I enjoyed it, mainly for the way the art gets better with each part. The story was still enjoyably different though.


Smith has admitted he was using a lot of acid when he wrote it, which explains a few things, IMO.

I hated Revere and didn't waste money on the reprint.

- Trout

I, Cosh

Final Solution is pretty much the best art ever to apppear in 2000AD (at least until Colin McChin turned up.) I think of Revere alongside Zenith and Bad Company as being the absolute best of 2000AD.

Smith's take on teh fashionable esoterica of the day. CF Delano's later Hellblazers.
We never really die.


Revere isn't a perfect comic strip, but I don't think it should ever be dismissed offhand. The plot isn't impossible to follow, it has a kind of internal (il)logic to. A total headfuck when read in one go, though.

The art is absolutely extraordinary, especially in Book III. I don't think I've ever seen anything else quite like it. This style feels much more appropriate here than it ever did on Strontium Dog. Simon Harrison, where are you now?

It does seem as if characterisation gets a bit short-changed in the later chapters as Smith gets lost in all the hallucinogenic weirdness. I felt it like it could've done with a couple more episodes to fill in Revere's backstory, etc.


"Final Solution is pretty much the best art ever to apppear in 2000AD"

...and for that, you must die!
Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!


"Final Solution is pretty much the best art ever to apppear in 2000AD"

Sky Chariots has that accolade, I think, or Halo Joens book 3, this list could go on a bit.

Keef Monkey

Blood Of Satanus 3 is the best art ever to appear in 2000AD!!!! You'll have to excuse me, I haven't taken my medication today.