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What your fave moment in Dredd Stories?

Started by Goaty, 07 May, 2007, 05:42:13 PM

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I got many!!! but few of them, like when Dredd got PJ Maybe at last on plane, knows PJ just passed his age, Dredd knocks him out!!!

And a guard in snow mountain got shock image of War-Machine with Slaugherhouse in it in best stories of 2005's Mandroid....


(I've probably said this before but:) I like the one where Kraken is on his final assessment and has to deal with a hostage incident. He gives himself up to the terrorists, unarmed and in handcuffs, and when they think he's completely helpless he slaughters them all, single-handedly rescues the hostages, and by the time the other judges storm the building it's all over. A full-page montage of him killing these bad guys. And at the end Morphy says to Dredd: "he could even be better than you."


That bit near the end of the Apocolypse war when the East Meg udge begs Dredd not to destroy his city.

"Request denied."
Did you know Christ was a werewolf?


i know it not Dredd story, but it is er... Dredd Mega-city, that one of (sadly missed)Lenny Zero story, when he check in his place, got knock down to ground and shock to what at his door, the next panel of very brilliant picture of Judge Dredd with Jock drawing of him. (i think Jock is Dredd best design, 2nd Kev Walker)


Roger Godpleton

Dredd exchanging Christmas presents with Walter.
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!


"Drokk!   Mean Machine Angel on a dive-butt!"


One moment?  It changes from time to time, but I'm always attracted to both of Kraken's executions - tho' probably the first is my absolute favourite.


Favourite moment in recent memory is from Brothers of the Blood, when 3 generations of Dredd kick major arse together and the captions reads: "THIS IS THE LIFE HE WAS BORN FOR...AND, HE KNOWS NOW, THE LIFE HE WANTS."  Classic.