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Started by jock, 10 May, 2007, 06:39:12 PM

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Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!



Holy jovus.

Superb stuff. Simply superb.


Keef Monkey

That's stunning! Like Mr C said, it's like Clint Langley's stuff has jumped off the page. Warp spasm and everything, this film needs made NOW.


Wow..if a fan can do it why can't rebellion?
It Could Be That The Sole Purpose Of Your Life Is To Serve As A Warning To Others

Judge Merlin

Sweet. Now who says films have to be big budget with a big named director?

Fan Films are the future.


To be fair, films are generally a bit longer than that, and have things called 'actors' attached to them.

Leigh S

Looks good - like the twisted faces on the actors.

To be fair to Pat, he might not know anything about the film, but I suspect if he did have any objections they'd be different to the ones he had about fans creating original comics with his characters - given this is a straight adaptation into a different media, it's probably not ticking the boxes that set him against the fanzines.

Judge Merlin

It says it's none profit and both Pat and Simon get their names mentioned.

What more publicity in Spain could Pat Mills ask for? The people there must be screaming out for Slaine Books after seeing this ;o)

Personally I'd take it as a compliment.


There's a scale factor problem when trying to make full length feature as compared to a short (and a proper short at that)... it's a lot more money and a lot more effort and it involves a lot more people to get something even vaguely acceptable


Never the less...funt me like I've offended Gok Wan! That is spectacular.


That sends a shiver up my spine watching that.

Now this is what I want to see. Ever since I brought the reprinted series, I feel like I have been hanging for something like this for while. Like I had personally imagined 'The Horned God' would look good in another medium. Yet I was never sure if Simon Bisley version of Slaine would haved been the right choice for a film adaption until seeing this one.

It's like having two christmas's in the same year.

The quality is very good. I wonder if the character models were based on actors or taken straight from the graphic novel. They look well rendered.

Watching the short a second, third and fourth time.  Taking in more detail, it's is like seeing the graphic novel come to life and they do look like like real actors when close up. Recognising Ukko, Slaine [of course] Medb, Slough Feg, Niamh, the Finian King, the Lady of Flowers and the face of the Spear of the Sun. [doped on poppys] WOW.

How can they not finish this. Surely the fan responce would be worth the fee.

One minor quip. I just guessing here as I have no real idea about the ancient northern dialects and accents. Though I have always imagined Slaine might favor northern Hibernian [ Irish, Scottish Gaelic, even a Scottish brogue.] as opposed to Ibernian [ Just very Spanish sounding.]

Adrian Bamforth

"There's a scale factor problem when trying to make full length feature as compared to a short (and a proper short at that)... it's a lot more money and a lot more effort and it involves a lot more people to get something even vaguely acceptable"

Yes, though (as always) we're entering new territory with digital technology being more accessible and people more willing to watch something that looks stylised and arty, if not quite real, as they have been with the Frank Miller films. As long as the films were suitably fantastical and moody and provided an alternative to the usual Hollywood fare people wouldn't expect a helicopter crash every 20 minutes or even big sets, you just have to create a convincing enough world, which is more to do with the creative quality than facilities.  

That's not to say you could compete with the big blockbusters and their big name actors, but it must be more possible than ever to independently produce something that can look like a Sin City or 300.


Just watched this again with English subtitles.

It's good to hear the names Slaine, and Ukko are pronounced as they seem to be.

As for the production costs, well if I was rich man [Which I'm not.] I would contribute a substantial amount towards this production and there appears to be a hefty fan response on this messageboard and many more outide as well. Just imagine each and every fan even contributing alittle bit of money towards this.

Now, if Pat Mills and Simon Bisley saw this and was impressed and not angry that what had been done so far was done without their approval.


The production costs must be pretty steep already - a lot of it'll be CGI, but someone's gone to a LOT of trouble making those costume's. Not only incredibly accurate but very well too (esp whatisface the weak kings armour).

So refreshing to see folk really putting their hearts in it, after endless versions of films and comics on Youtube where binliners and waterpistols stretch the budget (Bladerunner filmed on the streets of Manchester still causes shudders)
The perspective on that chairs all wrong