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Strontium Dog image request

Started by Dunk!, 14 May, 2007, 12:26:44 PM

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Looking for an image of the grinning aliens that i think have crossed Alpha's path in a couple of stories.

Bald, noseless, with huge mouths and a massive row of teeth that make them look like they are perminently grinning. Rings any bells?

For the life of me I can't remember the stories they have turned up in, but The Killing may be one.

Any help gratefully received.
"Trust we"

Leigh S

Smiling Chukwallas

They were in "The Two Faced Terror" (starlord story) and also appeared in BlackHawk.

Rex Banner

From the grinning I agree with Watcher but not bald or noseless.">


Cheers, but I'm sure they're in later stories than the ones you mention, Watcher

From memory these guys.

See why i need reference.">
"Trust we"

Steve Green

Looks like the Osmongs from 'The Killing'

- Steve


Them's the fellas.

Anyone got images?
"Trust we"

Rex Banner



Skull tight hoods and tiny noses - my memory fails me.

Cheers, Matthew.

If you have any more images I'd be grafeful.

"Trust we"

Rex Banner">

Rex Banner

Skull tight hoods, tiny noses and bunny rabbit tails? Never noticed them before!">


Bunny rabbit tails!!!!

Now there's a detail i don't remember - Carlos having a laugh i feel.

Cheers again, Matthew.

I'll shut up now.

"Trust we"