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5 Artists on Dredd

Started by ukdane, 24 May, 2007, 09:11:43 PM

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Tex Hex

Im the only one who rates Greg Staples?



Er... i've got him on List 1...
The perspective on that chairs all wrong

Tex Hex

That's right, I meant me AND mangamax.


-hex :o)

Funt Solo

List 1
Kevin Walker
Cam Kennedy
Chris Weston
Carlos Ezquerra
Boo Cook

List 2
Brian Bolland
Steve Dillon
Frank Quitely
Brendan McCarthy
Barry Kitson
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Steve Green

I think just goes to show that 5 isn't enough really.

- Steve

Dog Deever

If I'm not allowed Ron Smith (damn your oppressive regime) I'll have Cam Kennedy instead.

And my second list would be:
Ron Smith

Nyah hah!
Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.


Im the only one who rates Greg Staples?

nah.  i've still got that dredd vs death poster on my wall, just coz i think dredd looks totally boss in it

Last of the V8's

List 1.

1.Carlos Ezquerra
2.Henry Flint
4.Greg Staples
5.Kevin Walker

List 2.

1.Brian Bolland
2.Mike McMahon (before Howler)
3.Steve Dillon
4.Ron Smith
5.Gary Leach


>Im the only one who rates Greg Staples?

there were a few ladies at Bristol who rated Greg very highly

Robin Low

"Im the only one who rates Greg Staples?"

I remember too much of his early stuff, which was often a poorly painted mess. On the other, he has done some rather tasty pieces as well - the recent Dread vs. Dark Judges commission is as good example as any. However, I don't think he's suited to six pages of panels on a regular basis.



Robin Low

Sorry, I was lazy. I did a Desert Island Discs of Dredd artists: eight in no particular order, with one singled out.

Carlos Ezquerra
Cliff Robinson
Cam Kennedy
Barry Kitson
Ian Gibson
Mike McMahon
Brian Bolland
Ron Smith - the definitive Dredd artist as far as I'm concerned.

If I was allowed to make it up to ten, I'd add Peter Doherty and Steve Dillon (before his line became too clean).

I think the above shows my age, but I could easily add others, older and newer, to the list




no more than 5 artists working on Dredd for the next 5 years

They're only robots without personal lives so what the heck.

1: Carlos Ezquerra, jus' for the ladies, heh?

2: Henry Flint coloured by Chris Blythe, let's just see how tiny Dredd's mouth can get.

3: Cam Kennedy also coloured by Chris Blythe, for all those stories that demand drunken tramps festooned with badges looking up from their bottles and going "Wuh?" as Dredd kneecaps another perp.

4:Chris Weston, just 'cos everyone looks like him gurning in the mirror.

5: Colin MacNeil doing fully painted exit wounds and close-up's of bawling kids.

('Course, the litmus of 21st Century Dredd artists is can they draw a gimp properly? Robinson, Flint and Weston can. Gibson, Millgate and Staples can't.)


"there were a few ladies at Bristol who rated Greg very highly"

Yeah, mighty was the breeze at Madam Jo Jo's from Cheryl fluttering her eyelashes at him
The perspective on that chairs all wrong


List 1 (This Was hard. I keep changing it. Ezquerra's busy in my fantasy world drawing nothing but SD.):
-Kevin Walker
-Cam Kennedy
-Carl Critchlow
-Henry Flint
-Charlie Adlard

List 2 (Much easier):
-Steve Dillon
-Ron Smith
-Mike McMahon
-Carlos Ezquerra
-John Cooper (Ha! Didn't see that one coming did ya?)

List 3 (In which I list artists who know nothing of Dredd's world, but whose interpretations I would love to see.)
-Ted Mckeever
-Tim Truman
-Walter Simonson
-Guy Davis
-Klaus Janson


Oh... Guy Davis is a big 2000ad fan..." target="_blank">" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket">">