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Started by I, Cosh, 27 May, 2007, 12:57:41 PM

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I, Cosh

Does anyone on hear follow this and, if so, would you recommend picking it up? I've heard good things about it and it sounds fairly intriguing, if rather Sandman-esque. I know it's not as popular on here as it is elsewhere, but I loved Sandman so - bearing that in mind - is Fables for me?

Discuss. (IYCBA)
We never really die.


I don't buy the trades, but I do save up the issues and read one storyline at a time. The premise for Fables was great, and although I still enjoy reading it, it's not top of my reading pile each week, partly for the reason above, but also because it does (generally) seem to be text heavy and I like the pretty pictures).

I've not heard people saying it's like Sandman, and I don't understand the comparison.

I'd recommend it, but there are other Vertigo books I'd recommend more. I guess it depends on what 'genre' you're into.



I enjoy Fables a lot - it is very text heavy though and can be a bit too clever for its own good at times; guessing who exactly The Adversary was was a little too easy once you thought about it but overall, a very good read.  

Jared Katooie

I dunno. I found that it started off very well and then kind of got boring. Give it a look and see for yourself. Dont expect much too much action though.


i have no idea what this is.  could someone enlighten me?

The Adventurer

Fables is the story of Fairy Tale characters (like Snow White and the Big Bad Wolf) being exiled to our mundane world. There was a war in the "fable lands" and all their world was conquered by someone known only as The Adversary. It's a magical drama/action series, and it's 100% awesome. The 2nd best book on the stands, right after 2000AD.  



so snow white has to go get a job in mcdonalds to make ends meet?

The Adventurer

No, she ends up being Assistant-Mayor to Fabletown. A small area of New York where the exiled European Fables have gathered together in self preservation.

It's really a bit of a political drama, which the Exiled Fables really wanting to go home, but the forces of the Adversary make it impossible. This creature turmoil for Fabletown residents.

You should read the first 2 TPs, Fables: Legends in Exile and Fables: Animal Farm. It's very very good.


The Adventurer

You can read issue #1 of Fables over at the DC website.

Link:" target="_blank">Fables #1 for your Reading pleasure">



yes I'm quite enjoying Fables, some cool concepts and very nice art.  Only up to book 4(T.P.) myself but I'm just taking it easy.  Its lots of fun picking the more obscure characters out of the background.  Unfortunatly Wizard ruined the identity of the Adversary for me(with nary a spoiler warning) as they did with Walking Dead.

CU Radbacker


Wow I am suprised that a few of you guys are all "Wha?" about Fables as its a story that would be right up most boarders street. I buy it as with most comics as Traid Paper back and love it the was a point when the at the time main plot twist was becoming obvious and i was worried that it would go a bit rubbish but it didnt and has  kept a high and suprising amusing standard trough out. and if you like Fables then you may like Y- The Last Man which isequilly as cool


oh and Bigby Wolf is one top mo-fo, make sure you read the short story at the back of the first trade for more.

CU Radbacker


I rate Y: The Last Man just above Fables, for four reasons.
1) I prefer the artwork on Y.
2) Y is less text heavy
3) As a result of point 2, it requires less work on the brain.
4) It's a fintie series, which is set to end within the next 6 months or so.

I'd definately recommend getting the trades of Y: The Last Man.


Something Fishy

I've been reading this since DXB introduced me to it some years back, fantastic series.

The Adventurer

I for one lost interest in Y - The Last Man around issue 20. The story just started to meander all over the place after the Astronaut arc and I couldn't keep my interest up for it.

I think the Safeword stuff is what finally killed my interest. It was just so dull and stupid.

Oddly enough Ex Machina started off really good too and also seemed to wander into "losing the focus" land. So I dropped that also.

I think me and BKV aren't compatible. Though Pride of Baghdad was pretty awesome. But, to be fair, it was an OGN and didn't have enough story time to lose it's focus.

Fables has gone 61 issues and every issue has kept my attention to it's fullest. Plus it's got a great spin-off in Jack of Fables, and great one shots like 1001 Nights of Snowfall and The Last Castle. Fable is a series that has never gone off course. And that's impressive.