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MEG 259 - Demonic Intervention

Started by [YT-2], 29 May, 2007, 12:14:08 PM

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dredd : Fine  but those who questioned Dredds Actions at the end of the Story , well if that was a judge on the second page that was in the cube showers could you blame him?

The Tribute to Belardinelli : The least that could be done for such a great and important artist to 2000ad ,(As far as I was concerned I lost interest in Slaine once Massimo stopped drawing it , I know McMahon helped create the Look but for me Massimo drew the ultimate Slaine) I thik it would be nice if either 2000ad or the Meg reprinted the 1985 annual article he did  along with his Slaine at the Battle of Clontarf story from the same Annual, It made my birthday  in November 1984 when i read it.

History of horror comics: Interesting but hardly anything new although Werthams insane ramblings always both shock and amuse me , the Man had serious problems.

Anderson:Big robots fine does what it says on the tin

Jodorowsky: Why? No offence but why? it has no bearing to the title on the cover in any shape or form  so why?

BOS3 : Oh dear I feel like a teacher filing an end of term report with this one: Pat was doing so well , I mean we chose to forget the whole Black Sidda incident After his sterling work on Savage but he appears to be going Backwards again ....I'm sorry BWTF  is this tripe?!?!?? Seriously not only is this rubbish sub standard writing but Hinkletons art work stinks , i never liked it , I still can't believe this was the Man they got to replace Oneil and Talbot on Nemesis, I know he's drawn for tooth and the Meg for years but Dear Grief he just keeps getting worse and worse!

Small press : Why is McKay Small press , City Of Secrets is one of the most well written Stories I've read in this Section and the Artwork is sublime , this man should be drawing for the Meg and Tooth

Killer in the cab:Is this the fifth or sixth time I've read this in reprint? still a fun tale from the good old days.

Films Ok I'll defend Alec Worley usually but saying Spidey 3 is the most even and Wholly satisfying? Did he go to the same movie as the rest of us?

Dredd files: well written but since the complete case files came out absolutely pointless!

Angel Gang : Fine , its entertaining!

Overall , we were told that the cutting from 100 pages would help with the quality of the Meg ...well it hasn't instead the worst of the Meg appears to have survived the cutback, the actual strips are fine but are designed to be read like a weekly , the gap of a month is too long for such short stories , street fighting man is ten pages long with everyone else reduced to six pages except for the turd that is Santanus getting eight ,with text articles covering 17 pages!!!!(And that does not include the letters page ) So get rid of the Articles (Except for film reviews) And get back to the bloody stories  , it would allow you to donate two to three pages extra per month to each story allowing for more value, also be more judicious in the selection of quality, Blood of Satanus is just a waste of paper that could be used for better means (Even reprints would be better than this garbage why not bring back Charley's War if you really want something by Mr Mills) I will keep buying the Meg But it doesn't mean I'm happy with the way it's going

Robin Low

"For the record, as Ed has said, the article on Massimo was actually commissioned in the middle of last year. Unfortunately his ill health meant he was very difficult to get hold of and he sadly passed away before I could talk to him."

In which case, I apologise to all concerned for my comments about not doing it sooner.



Robin Low

"I do wish people wouldn't casually slag-off the 2000AD editorial staff for (supposedly) not doing enough to honour Belardinelli."

We can only go by what we're told. For example, I only heard that the tribute article was commissioned last year when that fact was posted here today.

A number of people online have been asking for a tribute for a quite a while now, and I understand others had contacted 2000AD directly. However, to the best of my knowledge there wasn't a response (anyone in the know can feel free to correct me). A brief, "Something's in the pipeline, guys" would have helped nip at least some of the complaints in the bud.




Cover: Looks good, pity the BW version didn't work as well

Dredd: Not bad, although it felt a little disjointed from the last issue compared to 2000ad

Loving the Alien - Nice piece

Hooro Comics - Not read yet, not my main interest

Anderson: Nice artwork but where is the story going?

A Holy Show - Not read, again not something I'm that interested in

Blood of Satanus: Nice to see Hinkleton back but his art looks too physically dark and in terms of the story I'm always wary of this sort of story.

City of Secrets: What is this? Unusual to see art like this but the story looks like it might have something good to come, the lettering looks wrong though, think it jars with the type of art.

Killer in the Cab: Classic story

New Films: I get film magazines for film news so I've not read it yet

The Dredd Files: Very nice

The Angel Gang: Violence with humour, rather dark but looks like we're getting to see a bit more of the Cursed Earth.
One thing gets me though, if something liek a welly is worth thousands of creds why does the brother have piles and piles of boxes of stuff round him? Unless it's recent trade stuff of course.

Interesting back cover!



"Small press : Why is McKay Small press , City Of Secrets is one of the most well written Stories I've read in this Section and the Artwork is sublime , this man should be drawing for the Meg and Tooth."

I'll second that!!!


Can somebody please explain what the hell is going on in blood of satanus? seriously, the only logical explanation is that mills and hinckleton had a "lets see who can drink the most absinthe while creating a dredd strip" competition, I can't even begin to imagine who won it either.
I've seen better put together strips in Oink magazine

everything else was grand (ok anderson was a little silly but a talking building amuses me) city of secrets is particularly good

Byron Virgo

"I've seen better put together strips in Oink magazine"

Oink was fucking great - we'll have none of this anti-Oinking around here, thank you very much!

Link:" target="_blank">Hogs Away!


Marmite indeed!

Cover: Strikingly horrible.

Dredd: Pretty good stuff.  Included two obligatory threat-of-rape scenes (heavy sigh), but was actually going very well right up to the bit where Dredd deliberately broke the law and then casually lied about it.  Yes, Dredd is very hard to write right, but arranging for an incarcarated murderer to carry out a revenge killing right under his nose?  All I can say is things must have changed since he went hell-for-leather after The Executioner.  Loved the art, but no surprise there.

Belardinelli: Needed more illustrations, but solid moving stuff.

An American Nightmare:  Holding this one for later.

Anderson: Nice.  Loving the art, liking the story.

A Holy Show: Fascinating!  I had no idea that the author of my beloved Metabarons was that Jodorowsky!  Good piece, but again, needed far more illustrations.

Blood Of Satanus III: You what now?  Mills' take on Dredd makes Morrison's occasional missteps look like prime-cut Wagner. Featuring  Judge Donna - the judge who doesn't find policing MC-1 any kind of a challenge, and the strange introduction of expository Tek-Judge Dredd.  However, bizarrely, I'm really enjoying this insane car-crash of a strip.  Just bad enough to be good.  Satanus is going to do> something at some point, right?

Small Press: Saving this for later, but it certainly looks good.

The Killer In The Cab: Pages that could have been far better used by illustrations for the Bellardinelli and Jodorowsky pieces.

New Films: Sound, always enjoy this bit.

The Dredd Files:  This feature has completely lost its way - in the Bishop days it wasn't the summaries that were interesting (who doesn't know how the Apocalypse Wat turned out?), it was the cataloguing of detail - the list of City Blocks, Judges, first appearances etc.  This would have been especially interesting for these most epic of epics - an index of every Block mentioned in Block Mania, every named Judge casualty and survivor, every Sov commander, every nuked Sector etc.  That would have made for an interesting and useful (and reprintable) resource.

The Angel Gang: Great stuff, looks good, reads good.


"an index of every Block mentioned in Block Mania, every named Judge casualty and survivor, every Sov commander, every nuked Sector etc. That would have made for an interesting and useful (and reprintable) resource."

Want to be in my gang?


Want to be in my gang?

This letters page drought is really getting to you man!  I do quite fancy the idea that project 'though, with my trusty mound of Casefiles now bowing a desk beside me.  


Cover's not my cuppa, too met-uhl. Cracking cityscape in Dredd but not wild about the rest of the art or the story. L.A. gang dramas in Dredd just never works somehow, but at least it's not a toybox story, like the unfunny Before They Wuz Dead. Anderson's alright apart from some criminal dialogue, over-noodly art and it maybe would've been better weekly. Loved the cityblock singing Downtown.

The Blood From Stan's Anus is just awful, but the "Welcome To Dredd" bit was so bad it was great, like the strip couldn't get any lower and just overclocked into genius right there. (Or maybe Stockholm Syndrome just kicked in, I dunno.) City Of Secrets just made me shrug, but the looting of water from corpses stood out.

Not bothered by most of the articles, but really looking forward to the brit horror comics bit next Meg. Belardinelli article was nice. Would have really liked some better pics to show off what a demented genius he was.