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Paris Hilton

Started by Art, 11 June, 2007, 12:06:53 AM

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Peter Wolf

    Are you responsible for this  ?  Did you create it?           It was funny and  not funny both at the same time !    I ended up laughing.  I wouldnt have got away with that but i am on probation.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


Not heard of Banksy then, Pete?


Now lads, neither I nor our suspiciously hairy friend said that Paris was the cause of all the evil in the world, just the personification of it... vapidity, talentlessness, absurb self-involvement, wilfull and celebrated ignorance, insane concentration of largely inherited wealth, unattainable and frankly undesirable body shape, arrogance and insensitivity, dominance of the Western LDC, depillated minges (sorry Rebellion!),  fixated on by all and sundry (including us) to the exclusion of actual pressing issues.

Hitler she ain't, Mugabe she ain't, malaria she ain't - a handy summary of the malaise of Western culture in the Naughties, and it's reercussions for the world, she definitely is.

Peter Wolf

     Oh yes i have!  It did look a bit familiar but his style has changed a bit.   Less stencilly  as  a few years ago in London you would see his stencil/spraycan art all over london on walls.  I saw a lot in Brick Lane and that area.    I used to stay in  Brick Lane a bit at that time just as it was getting painfully trendy.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


Sorry chaps, my last comment made virtually no sense.  And I meant LCD (Lowest Common Denominator), not LDC or aciieeeeeed.


London Brick Company?


London Drick Company?

judge dreddd


well,unless your the queen and er, just 'remember' something at the last minute

or 'i will resign if they question me about cash for titles' tony blair

now bush and blair are going out, will bin laden take em to court over the invasion of iraq, as an illegal war ?

Funt Solo

What's Bin Laden got to do with Iraq?
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


"now bush and blair are going out"

I knew there was something more to that relationship than first met the eye.

Dark Jimbo

I miss the days (about three years ago) when I genuinely didn't know who she was. My housemate was watching The Simple Life and trying to explain the concept to me.

HIM (slightly breathlessly) - 'It's got Paris Hilton in it!'

ME - Blank stare.

HIM - 'Paris Hilton!'

ME - Clueless shrug. 'Never heard of her'.

HIM - Looking at me in mingled disgust and pity, then turning back to the tv.

I assumed from this that popular culture dictated I was supposed to know immediately who she was, and felt quite proud that I hadn't a clue. Oh for those happier times.

Peter Wolf

    rumour has it that blair may be a closet.  Something to do with Peter Mandelson i [sort of] believe.    Thats why Mandelson kept getting jobs back just after being kicked out each time.         Rudolph   Guilliani is a cross dresser too i have been told.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death

Peter Wolf

     D o u b l e     p o s t

      At the last count,and they gave up counting ages ago,  there were 18 seperate treasonable charges against blair, no doubt there are many more.       I can list these if anyone wants to know what they are.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death

House of Usher

Not really. Nobody likes him anyway, so it doesn't make much difference one way or another.

Peter Wolf

       I count myself among them.   It makes no difference as at the moment nothing can be done about it .      If we are lucky he may face criminal charges regarding Iraq.

      He wasnt popular at school  [Fettes]  and got beaten up a lot.

    When he was a barrister or solicitor or something  those in the same firm used to conspire to make sure that he never got near the plum jobs.          .ever.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death