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Breast Feeding...

Started by WoD, 13 June, 2007, 04:53:19 PM

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( sopranos style )ooooowwww!! (/sopranos style )



Never, BTW, givwe brith in a restraunt. It's all a bit messy and would seriously freak people out.


Don't mind breast feeding in public, a hungry upset baby would be far worse in a restaurant.

Do mind exposed pregnant swollen bellies, especially with an outy. It's a personal thing, but i expect a law soon telling me I have to like it.

Judge Merlin

I dont mind if she's built like Jordan.

It's the Bella Embergs of the world that's offputting.

Ruth fed our littleun on the tit and at first I found it "uncomfortable" but it was probably Jealousy as I was bottle fed.

Another thing the whole "Breast Milk is healthier" thing is a load of Pish I got the bottle and Ive been healthy so far.

I, Cosh

I'm a bit bemused that people would feel strongly enough against it to want to outlaw it, however a bit of common sense needs to be applied on both sides. Quite frankly, if I was out for dinner in a decent restaurant, a child young enough to be getting breastfed would be about as welcome as a pack of wild dogs.

Oh, and I agree about the parking spaces.
We never really die.

Roger Godpleton

I was the only one of five to be breast fed and I'm the least insane of the bunch.
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!

Queen Firey-Bou

oh how i laughed,

now why the hell would we want to discuss womens periods... ( as opposed to mens ones ?? )

bah, breasts ? BREAST feeding ?! don't talk to me about..blah blah...until you've felt the pain of cracked nipples, had engorged ones, or bitey toothy babys at them, or mastitus, fuck that hurts !

well its pretty mad that its still being debated, 21 years since i first did it, you could get all these stupid freaky easy access udder bras & elephant sized tops, which was stupid, i'd just wear a big shirt, one discrete button undoes when wean screams, wean latches on, feed & go, on a bus, walking down princes street, anywhere & no-one noticed.

my finest breast feeding moment was at an anti apartied/ anti thatcher demo at the commonwealth games, where zola bud was running around 86/ 87. i sat away from crowd against a fence & then realised there was a few hundred polis lined up behind me, someone said they saw it as a pic in a newspaper next day, dunno... right on ! my boobs smashed the


Parents with 'young un's' really do need more space to stop their car doors hitting the car next to it.  It is more difficult to manouvre with a baby/toddler, so they should have the extra space...wait till you have kids (if you can and that's your want) and you'll see what I mean.

And I've never seen an example of 'gratuitous' breast feeding...but if I did (and I'm thinking along the line of when a women gave me a bllcking for holding a door open for her - I always hold doors's polite!!!!!!) I would be anti-it as it is just making a statement, but as for feeding a baby when it needs it, how can that be anything other than right.


Hmmm... I left my wife breastfeeding my son Charlie in a very busy car park at a motorway services as I wanted to get some crisps or something, whilst walking away I automatically locked the car doors and set the alarm. Which wasn't a smart thing to do really because the movement from inside the car set it off and left Jules sitting there, baps out, indicators flashing, car alarm alarming and lorry drivers perving.

Incidentally I had been dragging them across the country to pick up 300+ progs that I had bought from someone on this message board when I was a total lurker and it was that which rekindled my interest in 2000ad.

Baps out and outys in!


It's hard to believe, that once upon a time you could light up a cigerette in front of people eating and no one said a word. Yet if a woman was to breast feed her child in front of the same people, there would have been outrage.
Did you know Christ was a werewolf?

Matt Timson

I just can't see the fuss.  I wasn't bothered when I didn't have kids and I'm obviously even less bothered now that I do.  To be honest, I think that anyone who finds it 'uncomfortable' in any way has issues of their own that need addressing.  What are you looking for, anyway?  Do you stare at the cock of the bloke next to you in the urinals just because he's got it out?  Life goes on, people have to eat and babies need to feed- often at extremely inconvenient times for all concerned.

That said, people that take babies and toddlers to 12a rated films really get on my tits.  Hire a baby sitter or wait for the DVD for fuck's sake.


Ahh the child parking argument we have kids give us a better parking space

That was the reason I had a kid!!!!

And the fact he's disabled means I get to park just about wherever I want.



Back on topic.

I'm all for the ladies getting their bangers out for any occasion, breast feeding or not, it just doesn't happen often enough.

Peter Wolf

    God,  everyones got kids here   !  i love kids but i am not that mad on babies.       Sooner thats over the better as far as i am concerned.

      It may be different  if the baby was my own but i doubt it somehow.      sooner or later i am going to  have to face up to reality here as the family line will die out otherwise.      

      My sister and her partner  cant have children as it turns out that her huband is infertile.     Thats a bit personal but i am just explaining my position .

      I have a couple of things to sort out before i can consider children.       One of each or daughters would be nice.     we will see.
       just think     .....   2 more of me running around causing chaos  !    what fun   .
             Its just got to be done.

      I know a mother of 2  who breastfeeds and its a problem as their is always some wierdo  trying not to be noticed staring so she often looks for a quiet place instead.

Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death