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Dr. Who and the Barrel-Scrapers

Started by Mike Carroll, 04 July, 2007, 03:46:39 AM

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Mike Carroll

Someone, please... Say it ain't so!

Link:" target="_blank">Dark Horizons


What a chuffin' rotten way to start the day.
Tis true.
Shows truely dropped to Hale and Pace level now

Link:" target="_blank">Beeb conformation

The perspective on that chairs all wrong


Terrible news.
I am a Dr. Who fan but haven't made much comment on it on this forum....until now.

I thought this series was the worst so far of New Who with very few good episodes, but the news that Catherine Tate will be the new companion is just awful.

She was crap in the Christmas episode she was in and the thought of a whole series with her just depresses me.

The shark jumping is truly upon us now I fear.
Dumb all over, a little ugly on the side.

Leigh S

Hmmm - i think the problems with Tate are more that the story she was in was pretty rubbish than her acting abilities.  She seems a pretty decent actor.  

Good to see that RTD is once again thinking outside the box when it comes to companion types! :/

Steve Green

Can you really have an entire series of shouting?

Seems like they're going to give it a go.

- Steve

Leigh S

WEll, i suppose the other problem is Donnas character - only the best travel with the Doctor apparently ( though to be fair, thats a pretty hateful and odd 'rule' on RTDs part - more of his superheroing of Who)  but here we have a character who revels in ignorance, having no interest beyond whats going on in her own life.  Now, maybe the idea was that she learnt somehting in the story she was in, or will learn something in the series... but its a pretty unlikeable character to start with.




DDT did a job on me


Watcher: I'm actually quite liking the idea the way you present it.
The idea that ignorant Donna has her eyes opened to a larger world going on around her is quite a nice one.
Bet RTD doesn't do it.
He'll probably go for more unrequited love & shouting instead.
Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!

Queen Firey-Bou

Sob !

mind you i was appauled at the idea of billy but she done good... but not this gobby cow, bollocks.


Haven't repled to the other thread but... the reason i kept watching the show, even though i'd get more and more dismayed, was
(A) my son is SO into it and its neat to sit on the sofa with him on a Saturday, and help him collect the cards etc
(B) i held hope that sometime it would, just in some small way, approach the show that i loved as a nipper.
But it never did. This last series started well, and i started to get me hopes up.
But then the Dalek thing happened and it slid, and slid and slid.
And slid.
Now with the Tate harridon its slipped right over.
Think my son's on his own from now on.
The perspective on that chairs all wrong


mind you i was appauled at the idea of billy but she done good...

exactly, so you never know.  of course, i had pretty much given up on the show by then so i haven't seen the x-mas ep

Adrian Bamforth

It seems to me no-one wants linger on this show for very long, aware of how the sci-fi genre can be the kiss of death to a career, especially in high-profile campy roles (plus the long hours demanded by special effects and of course having to perform some absolutely dire episodes then having to gushingly praise RTD in public). It annoyed me greatly how little they bothered giving the companions an actual reason for being there, other than it being RTD's childhood fantasy, and that 'Doctor Who has a girl assistant'. I didn't and couldn't watch much of the last series - was there actually any point to her character? It might sound like an odd  question but it is kind of the point of drama.

Roger Godpleton

The whole point of Martha was that she could never be Billie, the nations sweetheart and the best actress in the world.

Why does she follow the Doc? 'Cos she wants to.
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!

House of Usher