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Dredd and Alpha image request.

Started by Dunk!, 04 July, 2007, 02:10:33 PM

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You know the one. End of Judgement Day.

Sorry to bring it up as a post but I've searched in vain for this image, yet I'm sure it's been posted here quite recently?

Anyhows, talking to an old 2000ad fan in da pub last night, my mentioning of the Dredd/Alpha team-up brought forward an incredulous "Fuck off! Really?"
And said mate now wants proof.

Any help gratefully received as usual.

"Trust we"


a quick look at logan's previous messages shows he posted this recently

you think this isn't me? that's so sweet...


Search Logans previous posts. Doh! (slaps head)

Cheers Thinky.
"Trust we"

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