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THAT judge dredd film!!!

Started by mogzilla, 13 July, 2007, 09:47:36 PM

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Aaron Eckhart has the chin and stature but you'd have to de-handsomonise him a bit:">


Peter Wolf

  Everytime the film company offers Arnie an incentive to play the part in the film he just eats it !!

     A carrot on a stick doesnt always work.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


clancy brown,i like it!i also thought about an animated or CGI version like the new captain scarlett or roughnecks then you could keep toby longworth in work he had dredds voice down.

Peter Wolf

   Regarding the screenplay of the film i dont know who William Wisher and Steven De Souza are.They wrote it.I dont think they are connected to 2000ad or Judge Dredd.

 Is it any surprise that the film was a disaster if the film company cant commision a decent script ? It seems like a typical film company decision to do that.John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra shouldnt have let that happen but there is the problem of Fleetway publications having the final say as they owned the character apparently.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


It will always be this guy as Dredd for me:" target="_blank">" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket">
Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"

judge dreddd

most chance we have is that someone does some animation to a 'big finish' dredd adventure


I noticed that the film is on again tonight on channel 5.  I might  give it another go... it's been a while since I've seen it although I wasn't over impressed at the time.


Yeah, I'll watch it, if for nothing else than Diane Lane in a tight fitting uniform.

Peter Wolf

  I have just won a dvd copy of it from someone here . I feel a sense of duty to own a copy of it. The first 15 minutes give you a taste of how good it could have been .
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


On just now and it's painful to how good it could've be. As it is it's like the Comic Strip Presents...Judge Dredd.

Good bits so far: City(overview - ground level it looks like a set which it is), uniforms, use of comic names and themes - Brisco, McGruder and the booby trapped law-giver

Shit Bits - Fergie, Stallone, dialogue, the city shrinking to 65 million for some reason.

Doubt I'll stay the course this time.

I, Cosh

Ah just caught the credits. That theme tune's mighty shite though.

The best thing about the Dredd film is that when I went to see it at the Clydebank UltraPlex there was a  special thirty minute long trailer extravaganza. Never before or since have I witnessed such a thing.
We never really die.



Roger Godpleton

Damn you defective Non Five showing telly. Is someone going to post a link to that Boo Cook strip?
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!


There should be a law against that film.