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The King of Kong

Started by johnnystress, 24 August, 2007, 08:35:43 AM

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This looks amazing!

Link:" target="_blank">The King of Kong">


I agree! Only a limited release in the US though  - hope it gets made available here.


Funt Solo

What a stunning quote:

"No matter what I say, it draws controversy.  It's sort of like the abortion issue."
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Rex Banner

Watched this with the fiancee last night. Cracking stuff. Thought it would be interesting but really didn't appreciate how serious these things get or how unfair people can be. Real edge of the seat stuff.

Peter Wolf

  I never played donkey kong but in the "about" bit on the website some one else is mentioned for being world champion of Centipede.That is something as i always found difficult.i would love to visit an arcade with all these retro games in it if such a place exists.I also remember the glass top table versions of arcade games as well.Sometimes in pubs.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


Billy is also PacMan champion

a winner...yet at the same time what a loser...">


"a winner...yet at the same time what a loser..."

You say that but when was the last time you were with a group of sexy asian babes AND a baldy bloke? eh,eh?

If it within the last month then I'll have to let you off.
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?


Doing it right noso[pdw

oops- careful there wing you're putting me off my typing

Mr Proper! what are you doing with that aerosol noooo!!!!


Great stuff - not so much the weirdo players as the weirdo hangers on. I especially liked the man huffing that he had to watch eight hours of video tape to verify a 'Nibbler' score.

The doc seemed a bit lopsided but that's probably because one of the guys is a self agrandizing tit.


Looks like retro-gaming is all the rage with another movie coming out...

Link:" target="_blank">Chasing Ghosts


I was thinking as I was watching the trailer for this they should make movie for my favorite Retro Game Firebird's "Elite".

Though, I doubt it's as brutal as "Donkey Kong" which I never played to the extent of being addicted to it.

As for my version of brutal gaming. Dawn of War's 'Dark Crusade' skirmish set to insane difficulty.

Link:" target="_blank">Oolite Open Source Version">


Thryllseekr,you drokker,  NO!  I have a life now!  How could you post that link to a modern port of... my favourite game OF ALL TIME, that I am now playing on my MacBook, to the exclusion of my business, my family and my dinner.  I salute you, but I will have to cite you as a factor in my imminent bankruptcy/divorce hearing.

the shutdown man

I've just seen this, and it is truly a thing of beauty; For the first few minutes I was chuckling at the sheer obsessives on display, but then it turns into a battle of Shakespearean proportions. On the one side you've got the evil king who's held the record since 1982 (and now runs his own BBQ sauce company and is the epitome of American "self-made man") and will do anything to protect it, he even has lackeys. On the other side, you've got an ordinary decent family man, who has taken to playing Kong since he lost his job. The amount of dirty tricks and backstabbing involved in a record attempt like this is amazing, but by the end, I was genuinely cheering for the underdog. And it's strangely moving in places.

It was Rocky with arcade machines.
You're at the precipice Tony, of an enormous crossroads.

Abra Cadaver

I was so excited when i heard about this movie, i waited and waited...and then it never showed at my cinema.

Ah well, DVD it is i guess!


I bought the retail version of that game back in 86. Two years after it's public debut.

I had only ever worked my way up to 'Deadly', after two to three years of playing.

I was either never interested in buying the sequle "Frontier' or I just couldn't spare the pocket money.

Can you imagine, I spent a few months saving up for this game with pocket money. It might have been somewhere between thirty to a hundred dollars.

Since, I have found my copy of the game missing. Now there is this OOLite version with better graphics and more options.

Despite my single, unemployment staus, I now prefer not spend as much time on this game as I used to.