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Won't you come? Thoughts on funerals.

Started by DavidXBrunt, 29 August, 2007, 06:22:34 PM

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Nothing to do with religion at all for me.

I'm not bothered what they do with my empty shell when I'm gone as I won't know a thing about it.

Any cash and posessions they want will go to my partner if she outlives me (she's convinced she won't as she is 16 years older than me) and also to my partners two grandsons and my niece.

They can flog anything they don't want but I would like my Dredd statue and badge and my Trumpton figurines to go to good homes.

As for music I'll have Lou Reed's Perfect Day and Jazz delicious hot, disgusting cold by the Bonzo Dog Band.
Dumb all over, a little ugly on the side.


I've told my wife to just leave me out for the dustmen.


Eschewing the standard atheist line of 'nowt religious' I'd quite like my funeral to be simultaneously officiated by a priest, a vicar, a rabbi, a voodoo (vodun?) hounghan, a druid, a high priest of Odin and as many Buffy-esque Wiccans as can be found.  

Not sure about leaving my body to medical science, but if there was the option to leave it to evil science I'd sign up like a shot.  Educating first year medics by letting them chop up your cold dead corpse is all fine and very laudable, but it doesn't really compare to being reanimated as a Frankensteinian monster.


Funeral pyre built out of my comics.

El Spurioso

Even if they're Nazi evil scientists?  You've gotta have some standards with these things, mate.

Donor Cards should have more options.


I'd like an Anglican funeral, since I'm an Anglican. A wake would be good.  I'll probably have to put up with being prayed to after my death since my wife is a small 's' Shinto and small 'b' Buddhist.


I want burying in a remote location with a bunch of acorns in my pockets so that in years to come I'll be a grinning skeleton up an oak tree.
Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!


my dad wants me to make sure stairway to heaven is being played as he is lowered into the ground


I really fucking hate Mediterranean funerals.  Everyone shows off, and usually the person who knew the deceased the least well is the one rending her hair, screaming â??Stavros, Stavros mou, why did he have to die?â?, and finishing off by jumping into the grave and throwing earth about.  Then nobody goes to visit the family afterwards, because all the friend have had their catharsis and sod the people who actually need support and sympathy.  Give me a stiff-upper-lip British funeral, with cake, and tea, and hushed voices, and repressed tears, and concern for others, any day of the week.

Me, I want a humanist ceremony, fairly closely modeled on the Church of England one apart from hymns, then my body to go to medical science.  If I know Iâ??m about to pop my clogs Iâ??ll get a tattoo or two aimed at the medical students â?? why should they be the only ones having a laugh?

Funt Solo

Classy:" />
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


I'd like the music at my funeral to be William Shatner's live version of 'Rocket Man'. Preferably with the video too.

Either that or Morricone's 'The Ecstacy of Gold' from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly soundtrack.

But Shatners' my *first* choice.


Robin Low

I want to be left lying around somewhere, so I can cause as much inconvenience to passers-by as possible.



Dog Deever

For a funeral, I don't really care what happens as long as there is no religion or churches, fine- if that means burning, fine. I'd like to think my wife might play

'The Only Good Punk is a Dead One' by the Electrohippies. It'd have to go on a loop though!
Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.

Jared Katooie

I want to be laminated and stored in a slab of concrete.

I'd donate my organs. I mean, I'm dead after all.

My tombstone would read: A few sandwiches short of a toolbox.

Music played as I'm lowered into the ground: The theme music from "Teenage mutant Hero Turtles".

Afterwards there would be drinks, sandwiches and cakes, plus a screening of Robocop.

Finally I'd like to have a video message from myself to be played. Anyone who might care enough about me to stick around can hear what I have to say.