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Started by paulvonscott, 17 July, 2002, 05:47:13 PM

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...or perhaps just the continuing tale of one girl over a million worlds...

... Halo, we never stopped loving you, come back.

Sad, innit?


Not in the 1301 I've read. It's called Bison, or something and it's about a cop. It also has a total of 6 creators, including the lettering.

Rogue looks excellent!


The Amstor Computer

---Not in the 1301 I've read. It's called Bison, or something and it's about a cop. It also has a total of 6 creators, including the lettering---

Oh dear. Comics by committee? Looks like we've found our dud in the pack - and at least it'll give us nasty bastards something to moan about during the Summer Assault :-)

I've got high hopes for Red Seas though; Ian Edgington, Steve Yeowell & zombie pirates. Gotta be a laugh, if nothing else.

esoteric ed

WOW, what an issue, Dredd was EXCELLENT, especially following hot on the heels of Sin City, will he or won't he go to the show?
Wagner on top form.

When do we get to see some of the other clones???


W. R. Logan

>Not so long ago, I posted messages here demanding the return of Vienna.

>Now she's back, it's clear Wagner understands what a Royal comand means, even though I hadn't revealed my kingly heritage then.

>- King Troutman the Divine

The Madness Of King Troutman

La Placa Rifa,
W. R. Logan.

Link:" target="_blank">Class Of '79 Yahoo Group">

judge dreddd

I have been dabbling at getting back into 2000ad with the odd issue and the megazine but issue 1300 has really blown my socks off.

Great artwork, easy to read ( usually when its all dark I have trouble trying to see what the hell is going on ! ). 3 strong stories carried over a number of pages.

Makes the megazine look a bit of a jumbled up mess though the history bit and the copy of tornado at the perps appartment was so ace.

I am going to subscribe, 1300 has got me.

Keep it up !

Quality stories, quality artwork !

The Amstor Computer

My copy of 1300 landed in the postbox today, and it's really exceeded my expectations.

Dredd - Another thread tied up, gorgeous MacNeil art & Wagner on top form again. I didn't think Dredd could go anywhere but down after Sin City, but John & Colin have proved me wrong. Fantastic start to the Summer Assault.

VCs - Cracking start. Dan Abnett seems to have got into the characters & is writing them faithfully, but without being just a photocopy of GFD's original. Interesting story so far - though I'm a little unsure about the introduction of the Polity - and utterly fantastic art from Henry Flint.
I'm also VERY impressed with Chris Blythe's colour-work. As an earlier poster said, he's improving with every story & while I still prefer hand-coloured work, the gap is getting closer all the time.

Strontium Dog - Bloody good fun :-) A more savage Wulf, an intriguing setup reminiscent of the "Strontium Dog goes to Hell" storyline & Ezquerra in B&W.
Two minor complaints though: At points, Charlie's art looks less like "proper" B&W and more like uncoloured linework. I'd also prefer hand-drawn sound-effects - computer text just looks lame. No problem with the red colouring though - used judiciously, it's a neat effect.

As for the mag format... the new Thrill Centre is alright, but I'm NOT a fan of the new icons.

If I had to make one serious complaint, it would be that I'm not sure that the format needed changing - it seems more like an editorial statement than anything else ("this is MY mag now!").

All in all though, this is a damn fine start to the 1300s & a real showstopper of a prog for us old toads :-)



Great stuff, Logan.

However, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but the Trouty Emperor does not do green pee!

Now, conquer me some colonies, everyone - what, what?