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ireland misses out on ANOTHER prog!!

Started by piratemousey, 19 September, 2007, 07:08:28 PM

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the shutdown man

I wasn't able to find 1555, and I haven't got 1556 yet, so I don't think it's coming. I did however finally get 1548 and 1552 on back issue from the website, so that means I can sit down and read all the issues I've been keeping on standby since "the drought" started.
You're at the precipice Tony, of an enormous crossroads.



Got both of them in my local newsagents yesterday, Im in Castlebar. Easons had plenty today as well. I wonder if Rebellion had a hand in getting 1555 reshipped to Ireland, If so, well done.


Well, neither of 'em has reached Cork! I'll check again tomorrow :(


Whoo! Picked up 1556 in Easons, Cork yesterday afternoon. No sign of 1555 though, will probably have to wait for it to turn up in the Online Shop. Hopefully this will be the end of the distribution problems *prays*

Jared Katooie

Thrill update! Copies of prog 1555 may be found in easons, in the Pavilions shopping Centre (in Swords).

That is all.


yes! 2000 A.D. in Cork again! horay ive only missed most of some great therills!
never mind at least i had a prog tightly gripped between my paws on the way home from work yesterday

Jared Katooie

Cant find any 1552's yet. Anyone else have any luck?


Lads it could be worse
 I'm 33 and I can tell you this was far worse in the early eighties , I'm only thirty miles from Cork city and they used to get 2000ad and Battle (Which was my main comic, this was the early eighties where my parents allowed as I'm sure many parents  did  only one comic a week , and a second comic was a treat) a week ahead of us! and of course there was the constant danger of the issue never arriving , I'd miss out on about five to ten issues a year just because they never arrived from England, which made no sense because other ipc titles for that week would be there on the shelves?
  Ah yes the eighties , missing comics  and the never ending threat of impending  nuclear war...grreat days.

Funt Solo

Aye - when I wert lad, it was just a fact that, from time to time, the prog wouldn't turn up - the two little old ladys from the paper shop would say "nope" - and that was that.  

Now, getting hold of the the missing copy was a mission and a half.  There was, of course, no internet, and therefore no Online Shop, and no E-bay.  I didn't have the capacity or the permission to reach the nearest big town on my own.  I certainly couldn't pop down to the only Forbidden Planet in the country, in London or, later, Futureshock, A1 Comics of Forbidden Planet in Glasgow.

In other words, I was fucked - no prog for me, full stop.  

Well, not strickly true.  I waited, and years later, when I did get down to London, or to Glasgow, I eventually found those missing progs.

In fact, tracking down the missing ones - especially from the period I started reading (circa 100-200) because great fun - a great challenge.  What a buzz I'd get from finding one of the missing ones from my collection, sitting in an old box, shoved out of the way under a heap of tatty books in Futureshock.  

(By the way - Futureshock guy is a bit nuts - he's got articles published in local rags where he goes on about radiation being good for you - as in, just in general - you know.  So, radioactive spiders and The Hulk and all that - not too much of an influence, then.)

So, nowadays - the prog doesn't turn up on my doormat first thing monday morning, or it doesn't turn up in your shops, and it's "OMIGOD!  YOUR DISTRIBUTION SUCKS COX, THARG!"  It's so easy to get hold of missing copies.


You think that's bad?  We used to get up two hours before we went to bed etc.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Leigh S

I still bear the scars of missing prog 228 while on holiday - thats right - PROG 228 - the end of Death Lives, the start of Rogue Trooper...

This became a recurring theme with the newsagents, where they didnt bother to hold on to your order if you didnt collect it that week, which kind of went against having an order I felt.  Of course,as a well bought up child of the 80s, I didnt feel empowered to complain. No wonder they dont stock comics nowadays - If it had happened to the youth of today, they'd have gunned down the owners, burnt down the shop and then sued them for damages.

It's possibly that trauma that started me collecting!  


"By the way - Futureshock guy is a bit nuts"

If by a bit nuts you mean totally fucking barking then yes he is. The way he treats those poor wee comics is a disgrace.
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?

Funt Solo

re. Futureshock guy:

He used to fuck me right off, when I was a kid, by moaning about whether or not I was going to buy anything.  As if leafing through his comics was going to make them any worse.  

He does treat his comics badly, but not as badly as the comic shop guy who runs The Black Hole in Dundee.  It's aptly named - don't let YOUR comics get sucked into the BLACK HOLE!
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


"Cant find any 1552's yet. Anyone else have any luck?"

Check out the Online Shop on this here site, you can get it (and 1548 and 1555) from there.