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D'israeli D'loveliness

Started by Dunk!, 25 October, 2007, 10:55:31 AM

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Having caught the bug for Kingdom of the Wicked Original art at BICs, I was overjoyed today to receive a package of 2 more pages and a cover. Thought I'd post them here to show off the glorius colours and just to show off. :)

Cartoon Cannabalism

Link:" target="_blank">One of the Usual Suspects">
"Trust we"


WW1 teddy bears. An image that's just stuck in my mind since i first saw it.">
"Trust we"


You lucky,lucky Swimini!

I've got Kingdom...besidie my bed ready to read AND I WANT MORE COLOUR ARTWORK!

To tell the truth, you can all get screwed.


And the cover to the 3rd issue of the Calibur comics edition. Described by my beloved as "Freaky ass shit, that's not going on any wall of any house i live in" Bless.">
"Trust we"


Described by my beloved as "Freaky ass shit, that's not going on any wall of any house i live in" Bless.

So when is she moving out, then? ;)

Pete Wells

Crikey, they're lovely Swimini! I always thought Dizzy did everything on computer. He's a fookin' genius that fella!


So when is she moving out, then?

Yeah, never had a domestic situation that was so black and white before. :)

I always thought Dizzy did everything on computer.

I think he does, these were all created around 1992 on thick watercolour paper. Thought by now they'd be all long gone, but the convoluted publishing history of KOTW meant they were still available so i jumped at the chance of owning them.
"Trust we"


Kingdom of the Wicked is just wonderful.  (FACT, or someat).  There's something eminently re-readable about all those D'Israeli hardbacks - I keep Kingdom and War of the Worlds, by my bed for regular dipping, and I'm looking forward to getting this rumoured Scarlet Traces / Great Game omnibus (with extra pages!) to add to the pile.  The man is a genius.


He sure is, and he made my weekend at Brum con when he recognised me and complimented me on the quality of the last few FutureQuakes. Needless to say I had a big silly grin on my head for the rest of the day.



"The man is a genius."

That he is. Simplicity is actually one of the most difficult things to achieve in artwork, and our Diz makes it look disarmingly effortless.

And those pages are just fucking lovely.

I remain both awestruck and slightly jealous.

As far as I can tell, Mr Brooker really ought to drink in one of my favourite pubs, but either:

1) Doesn't


2) Doesn't whenever I'm in there


3) Wears a disguise to avoid being pestered by fanboy twats like me.

You can run, Brooker, but you can't hide. Y'hear me?


Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


"There's something eminently re-readable about all those D'Israeli hardbacks"

And they're such beautiful editionsâ??really nicely designed and made. I always get slightly angry when people on this board dismiss even the thought of buying KotW and the WotW stuff, because it's simply so good, so affordable (I think KotW cost me about seven quid) and NEEDS buying.


So those are actually hand coloured as opposed to the usual, equally lovely, computer jiggered pages?

Very nice.  Kingdom of the Wicked is a very beautiful and sinister comic.

There are artists, and there are good artists and there are cool artists who draw very cool pictures.  But the *great* comic book artists raise the story up to new heights, adding weight and emphasis with the pictures.  I don't think there are many.  Dave Gibbons, who should be banned from writing his tosh and made to draw 16 hours a day, is obviously one.  For 2000AD I think Henry Flint and D'israeli are two of the best at the moment.  Carlos Ezquerra also manages to lend an authority to the good, the bad and the ugly scripts that come his way.

It's always good to know that there are people at the top of their game, who really are out way beyond the rest of the pack.  Anything in the prog by him is always the icing on the cake.


Dâ??Israeli has been one of my favourite artists since he first appeared in Deadline. So now he's gone digital the chance to own his stuff isn't going to come around very often so I've jumped at the chance.

The picture-hanging dilemma with my beloved has become wonderfully muddled by the arrival of another package. Hot on the heels of my original art, my Bowen 70's and 80's Captain Britain busts turned up - what can I say I had a tax windfall and LOVE tat.
Anyhow these have been received with horror by the missus as in someway showing some hidden BNP allegiance on my behalf. :[backslash] The compromise being, as I don't buy things to sit in boxes, is that the "Freaky ass shite!" will be found wall space and the figures go to the very back of the cabinet in my studio. Tat Power!
"Trust we"


All of a sudden I long to see a story about Captain Britain infiltrating the BNP :)

Send them all back to the Shiar Space Empire where they came from!

ps meeting Disraeli was one of the highlights for me at Bristol this year, what a lovely bloke.


One of the things I love about D'Israeli's work is how he so palpably pushes his boundaries with every new page - it makes each new offering so exciting.  Just look at the colouring on the recent Time Traveller strip - really look at it.  That's something you don't see every day.