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Started by Matt Timson, 06 November, 2007, 09:11:16 AM

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Adrian Bamforth

Well on a positive note I personally think that (apart from where there's loss of life) it's good that these things happen: Each time it makes British Musilims face up to the fact that there are very real problems with their religion that they can no longer blame on the West. Okay we may not be getting an Islamic 'Life Of Brian' any time soon but there seems to be more facing up to the fact that there are extremists and those who strongly sympathise with them.

Peter Wolf

"Oh dear...I'm ranting. I've come over all peterwolf."

 Keep up the good work.These things need to be said.

 Personally i dont want to belong and i am happy in my life of Marginalisation.I wouldnt have it any other way.

 Sudan is a backward third world country with a largely uneducated populace at least as far as religion is concerned so in a way they are just ignorant and dont know any better.

 The flipside to that is at least in the west there are a lot of very intelligent sound people who are practising muslims and i know a few and they have no time for fundamentalism or extremism as they think they give Muslims a bad name which they do.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death

Roger Godpleton

Yes, but the problem is that there are quite a few seemingly intelligent Muslims who have quite a lot of time for fundamentalism and extremism.
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!

Max Kon

Sadly a lot of the terrorists, at least the leadership, are very intelligent. If they weren't we'd get a lot less killed and a lot more terrorists setting their backpacks on fire (remember that?).

Matt Timson

Huh- synchronicity in action- we've just had a BNP flyer come through the letterbox telling us how 'lucky' we are that my area has a BNP presence at last.

It makes me feel a bit sick to be honest.


"...their stupid book..."

I really don't think the Koran is any more stupid than any other religious fantasy, or that the Islamic faith is inherently less rational than the other Abrahamic cults.   History should demonstrate that, at least.  

My grotesquely oversimplified opinion is that  the problem is that the great majority of countries where Islam is the dominant faith seem to be stuck in the same ghastly persecution complex mindset that be-devilled Christianity for so long - a phase that in the West was just as driven by economics and politics as it is right now in the Middle East.  Every irrational custom and attitude Islamic extremism exhibits can be found in the Christian past too.  I have no doubt that if we were all to live long enough, those states will settle into a quasi-secular dotage, with Islamic charities and schools forming the backbone of an internationalist community,  just like the West, with extremism restricted to nasty websites and Louis Theroux documentaries.  

Unfortunately, Islamic extremism has come into its strident-nutjob phase at  a particular inopportune moment, and you have to wonder whether anyone is going to be around long enough to give it the opportunity to become a marginalised sideshow to a suite of peaceful alms-giving Muslim countries.

In short, if Christianity was the dominant religion where Islam now holds sway, and the West drew a significant portion of its morals from the Koran instead of the Bible, I doubt the situation would be significantly different.

Peter Wolf

 I am going to stick my neck out and say what i think as usual.

 It was an unfortunate bit of business with Dudley with the Icon and it was very naughty going behind someones back as well.


 He must be feeling terrible and i think it would be a shame if he left.

  Thats it really.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


"we are all descended from africans"

rommel found something along those lines out in the desert campaign thus adolf shicklegruber went a bit potty toward the end...


...and the teddy will NEVER be released acording to the sun! Bastards! send in our boys and get him outta there!

Peter Wolf

 Religion = Coercion  .
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


If I brought a teddy bear for £1, called it Muhammad and sold it for £2, would I have made a profit out of said teddy bear?.

Drokking since 1972

Peace is a lie, there's only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.



I just can't help noticing that it's never the big-name Muslim terrorists that sacrifice themselves in suicide attacks. The rich boys, Osama and the like, seem happy enough to carry on living, despite all the otherworldly delights pomised to suicide bombers. Maybe as long as they tell other people to die they'll be rewarded too.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


A bit like  a Sky+ box if you tell a friend to sign up, like?
"bULLshit Mr Hand man!"
"Man, you come right out of a comic book. "
Previously Krombasher.

Peter Wolf

 I dragged this up again.

 "You just wouldnt let it lie! "

 There is a programme on channel 4 about someone spending 3 weeks living as a Muslim.

 The tagline or soundbite in the trailer said "everything is wrong and in a mess these days.Could the answer to it all be the muslim faith ?" or words to that effect. By this they were implying that the Muslim faith could be the answer to all the problems not the cause of a lot of them surprisingly enough.

 Needless to say whoever though that this was a point worth making [that is wrong]obviously doesnt know their arse from their elbow.

 "Could the Muslim faith be the answer"

 It just beggars belief the stupidity of that statement and its implications.

Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death