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Looking for website beta-testers!

Started by Mike Carroll, 13 November, 2007, 02:09:04 PM

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Mike Carroll

Hello all!

I'm currently working on a major update to the bibliography part of
John Higgins' new bibliography


I'll give it a go Mike - always a pleasure trying to break someone else's code rather than my own

first impressions though - seems very fast considering its 'on the fly'

you think this isn't me? that's so sweet...


Mike, only had a quick look, but, off the top of my head:


The back button is disabled, not sure if it's cus you're using frames or what, but, when I click a year - say 1987 - I expect to be able to go back to the main bibliography without having to work out how to do that (the link 'mainpage' is only useful if you know it takes you back).

Not Important, but would be cool:

It'd be neat to be able to navigate through years, so, if you're in 1987 a button for 1987 and one for 1988.



I had a good long poke around, very interesting (never knew he did the illos on Grail Quest!).  Works very well on Safari anyway, and looks great.

A few comments:

The absence of an obvious back button function is a bit annoying, maybe the "Mainpage" link needs to be clearer.

The search for the year 2000 lists all John's 2000AD work too.


Funny, but I have has 2 copys of the following comic in my life time both sadly lost in moves.

Link:" target="_blank">Its got a nice Bryan Talbot story about robots too



bugger! any way its Brainstorm Fantasy Comix #1

Mike Carroll

Thanks for the feedback, guys!

PJ: I've implemented your suggestion for Previous and Next years.

Tordelbach: I've tweaked the code so that clicking on a year will only search the date fields and not everything. However, the rest of the code remains the same, so entering "2000" in the search box will return everything with "2000" in it.

I've no idea why the back button isn't working on your systems: it's fine on mine! Are you using Macs by any chance?

I've also changed the "Mainpage" text to "Index" (which is what it should have been in the first place!).

All the changes are uploaded now: give it another bash!

Thanks again,


Mac - safari. You can download a pc version of safari from apple's website if you wanna try it on your pc.


Mike Carroll

I've installed Safari on the PC and discovered that, yes, the Back Button doesn't work on the bibliography. Damn!

However, my research on the web reveals that this is actually a problem with Safari and not with my site. Undamn!

There are dozens of forums that suggest complicated work-around solutions, but in almost every case the solutions are followed by a lengthy string of comments along the lines of "It didn't work for me."

I'll give a few of the possible solutions a try, but I'm not holding out any hope.

I've coming to the conclusion that Safari could be an acronym: "Stay Away From Apple's Rubbish Interface."

-- Mike