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The Writers Guild Strike

Started by satchmo, 15 November, 2007, 01:23:35 AM

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I've heard that Heroes spinoff Origins has been cancelled, and season 2 might be cut short, because of the strike.
I wondered if anyone knew what's happening with my other favourite US shows?

Battlestar Galactica season 4
The Wire season 5
24 season 7


Roger Godpleton

Dunno about the strike but 24 filming was also delayed due to the fires in Cali.
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!


Atually it's made me realise I'm not really bothered about all these American shows.  

I've watched and enjoyed 24, Lost, Heroes, Battlestar Galactica to different degrees, but I'm used to having to wait for them anyway and watching them 'whenever'.

Link:" target="_blank">Oh those writers...


there's a poll on PVS's link that asks you to choose from the crowded field of Dennis the Menace, Judge Dredd and Dan Dare.  Dan Dare is winning so far


there's a poll on PVS's link that asks you to choose from the crowded field of Dennis the Menace, Judge Dredd and Dan Dare.  Dan Dare is winning so far


You know, Lost didn't enter my thoughts once when I did that original post. I think I'll just wait and watch the final scenes on youtube one day.

No mentions of Battlestar Galactica and The Wire there, which is encouraging. Both of them going into their final seasons. 24 might be off the air for a while, and Heroes is only having half a season.

cheers for the link Paul!

Max Kon

24 has stopped filming, not sure about the other series, most series stock piled loads of scripts incase the strike happened, so it's mainly soaps and fake news that are on reruns now

the shutdown man

I think most series that are currently running are kinda screwed once they get to their mid-season breaks. Heroes for example has had to re-write their pre-break episode to make it a season ender. Galactica isn't starting until next April anyway, and I've read they have most of the scripts done, but for some reason, before the strike even started, they've planned to do half the 20-episode season next year and half in 2009, which is both stupid and annoying.

I think Lost has the majority of their season sorted, since they're only starting in the new year, so they've got some time. Unless the strike lasts quite a while....
You're at the precipice Tony, of an enormous crossroads.

the shutdown man

Actually, I don't know why I said all that without clicking on Mr.Von Scott's link, which pretty much said all that and more. Oh well......
You're at the precipice Tony, of an enormous crossroads.


Season 7 of 24 has been postponed indefinitely, with 6 or 7 eps in the can.

Production's just been halted on Galactica, fecking the final season of that right up.

Lost has got 8 eps of 16 in the can, the network is threatening to run these against the creators' wishes.

Finla season of The Wire is finished and waiting to be broadcast on HBO, IIRC.


That's great news about The Wire thanks for that David.

I'm a recent convert to this show, and I know it gets some love on this board, but seriously- I don't have the words to describe how utterly fucking brilliant The Wire is. Just watch it!


There's a run down of what's what here....

(What's the premise of The Wire?)

Link:" target="_blank">Stops, starts, and cancellations




The Wire is about one big case against a Baltimore druglord, but its from the point of view of the Police, the dealers and the junkies, with hugely sympathetic characters in all three camps. Ive only seen season 1 and part of 2 so it might go to different places yet.

Personally I can take or leave crime dramas. If I'm not busy I'll watch CSI or Law and Order but I wouldn't say I was a fan.

But I've never seen anything like The Wire. True human drama about utterly believable characters. I was beyond hooked after a couple of episodes.

If you like The Shield or Oz it might be up your street. It's brilliant.



Just wanted to see how the poll was doing in PVS's link.

Dredd may need more votes.

Drokking since 1972

Peace is a lie, there's only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.

Adrian Bamforth

Apparently the producers of Lost, unable to hire professional writers have been forced to make up any old nonsense with no discerning direction just to keep the show going until the strike is called off.