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Alan Moore on The Simpsons

Started by Mike Carroll, 19 November, 2007, 05:27:15 PM

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Mike Carroll

Don't know if this has been posted before...">


I badly want a poster of Watchmen Babies.  In fact, I want to read it.


That is beyond brilliant. Can't wait to see it. Isn't Spiegelman in it too? Fantastic.


the shutdown man

I'm torn. I want to watch it because Alan Moore's in it, but I don't want to watch it because it's yet another new Simpsons celebrity guest star episode. What's a bitter ex-fan to do?
You're at the precipice Tony, of an enormous crossroads.


I hate the episodes - like the tennis one - where they trot out people and you have no idea whatsoever why they're there.  Having seen the Moore one, I can say it makes a lot of difference if you're actually in on the joke.
Well, I say 'joke' - this is latter-day Simpsons, after all.


Worst Episode Ever.

Actually I don't mean that, but felt I had to say it.

Link:" target="_blank">You Tube Clip (You get the Idea)


How could anyone not love that?  Maus is in da haus!  Dan Clowes draws Batman's utility belt!  Alan Moore singing!  Excellent.

Mike Carroll

I haven't watched a new episode of The Simpsons for years, but I might watch this one. If I remember.

Another screen grab: the Comic Book Guy tears the rival shop apart.">

Roger Godpleton

I bet Chris Ware threw a fit when he wasn't invited.
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!

Grant Goggans

Funny thing you should say that... I passed the word on to several geek friends that this Simpsons would have Alan Moore, Art Spiegleman and... Chris Ware.  Ooops.

Adrian Bamforth

Anyone know if it was Moore's singing in the closing credits as planned?


The comics bits were good but the episode was let down by a waek Marge sub-plot (as usual). Good to see a bit of Tintin action too as was Moore's reinvention of Radioactive man.


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Roger Godpleton

He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!