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Hey blue boy balance like me!!!

Started by Mgubgub, 28 November, 2007, 04:38:10 PM

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Hi Fellow Boarders

I gave in to this costly but effective way of guarding the Empire earlier this year or maybe last year I forget which.  But get this it's made of LEGO therefore no eight foot tall Wookie will be able to climb on top or enter through the top hatch aided by a pair of Ewoks.  I'm careful to mind the fact that in one of the Tooth annuals Rogue almost came a cropper to something like an AT-ST so I'm wondering whether my statue of Rogue might just push said walker over.

On another note I think both Empire and Rebel alliance should use bullet/projectile weapons that don't cause indiscriminate fire cuz if you get my gist the forest Moon of Endor might go up in flames!!!

Can I post from time to time?  I ask cuz I don't work and with the will could post millions of times in a day cuz I am a diagnzd Paranoid schizophrenic a thing I do not pretend to not have but have in one way with self imposed restrictions found tolerable as long as I don't frequent the places many of you might given the amount of supposed free time I do have.

Mgubgub,  spludig ver thrigg

Link: You Rebel scum" target="_blank">You Rebel scum">

Trooper Duvet 445


That's a great model! I used to have the toy version of that. You know the the one with the big button at the back which works the legs? I had the big four legged one too (along with other Star wars toys, X-wing etc.) I didn't even have to buy them as they were passed on to me by a kid who didn't want them any more.

Don't have them any more though (I think I gave em away in a Jumble sale or something) but I kind of wish I did.

Anyway, you don't have to ask permission to post. Glad to hear you've found ways to cope with your illness too. All the best.


plenty of folk on here (myself included) without your condition who go ott posting! you go for it buddy!

Peter Wolf

  Just dont do what i did when i first joined as in overposting and posting off topic with all sorts of things that are unrelated.I overdid it too much and just annoyed everyone in the end and caused myself a bit of stress into the bargain.Totally selfish behaviour really.

  Otherwise have fun !
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


Hey there.  Welcome on board.  Nice lego work.