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Jimp alert

Started by Mgubgub, 29 November, 2007, 03:14:43 PM

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I just wanted to share with other boarders how I have managed to utilize my Dredd Badge.  I think Wake should be give a Krill tro thargo for these!!!

Does make the wallet a bit heavy but I bear in mind should I ever be hanging on to a meat hook about to be fed into a set of Munce grinders by someone like Whitey a la Tenth birthday,  I'll have something to put into his head." target="_blank">" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket">">
Trooper Duvet 445


Are you MAD, it'll get scratched!


I know but I felt it was too good a thing to languish at home and stop calling me Mad:)

In truth it has got scratched but I reckon one day I'll pray and hope that Wake'll sell me another
Trooper Duvet 445


Coolest thing ever.  Have you sharpened the pointy end yet?


TordelBack  I haven't and am now forced into the paradox of not wanting to deface such a thing whilst knowing being in my wallet will result in scratches as warned by Commandoforces:(
Trooper Duvet 445


You don't want to sharpen the pointy end as then you won't be allowed on a plane with it as it will be classed as a weapon.
Then again I always find any old credit card with a sharpened edge is a nice slashing weapon and you can take those on planes. Please take note that you should not do what I have just said as that's irresponsible and it'll only end in tears.

W. R. Logan">


I've got around 30 left so I can still sell you one for best if you like.



Link:" target="_blank">Termight Replicas


These badges are excellent...the weight on them is brilliant.


That Whitey story was brill.... I wish Garry Leach would do more Dredd stuff, he's a fave of mine and I havn't seen him do a strip in ages.