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Dredd .r.i.p?

Started by mogzilla, 30 November, 2007, 08:51:56 PM

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I would have him coming to the rescue of his niece. (Crime bosses have finally found out who she is and have set a trap) At the same time Rico hears the call and they both arrive only for Dredd to spot a sniper's laser dot on Rico's chest as they approach.
Joe pushes Rico out of the way as the shot rings out and Joe takes the shot in the chest. Rico switches to Hi-Ex as he falls sideways and fires at the flash point. Sniper taken out, he then moves into cover and calls over to Joe only to see him die. He then rushes Vienna's apartment and during his one man rescue she is killed.
We then see Rico start a one Judge campaign against the Crime Bosses using all that the Justice Department can offer him.


Actually (Being serious a moment) I believe after reading Dredd this past year , i think I know how it is going to end...and I think it was already revealed in a 2000 ad publication how nigh on twenty years ago( 20 years?!?!?good grief) and I'm not talking about the silly Red Razors storyline...but I'm not telling!! Whatever Happens we know Rico will become Dredd

Matt Timson

I thought Orlok killed Judge Giant?


I think it should be at the end of a mega epic with Dredd sacrificing himself for the city. Rico and Dredd will work together all the way to the climax when Dredd makes the choice of being destroyed, and Rico can only watch but cant help.

Picture the scene.......

Dredd is lying on the streets of mega city one clearly dying in the arms of Rico and Dredd looks up at him and says "Take my badge Rico,.....keep the city safe"

Then Rico picks Dredd up in his arms (just like Dredd did with the original Rico) and carrys him to the Grand Hall of Justice where Dredd will be laid to rest.

This is the perfect type of ending because it shows Dredd loyalty and love for the people of the city, it shows how he trusts Rico. It's a fitting ending for a hero, and it solves the problem of renaming the strip. Rico becomes Dredd.

What do you think of that? They may as well send me a cheque now and publish it.


I don't think he should die until absolutely nobody cares anymore

Peter Wolf

 Faulty Lawmaster bike that results in a bike crash leaving Dredds body shattered so his brain is transplanted into a robotic body like Nate Slaughterhouse or Robocop .There was a similar character in Inferno.He is back on the streets soon after even more harder and indestructable than before.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


I liked the idea of Dredd being cryogenically frozen to be thawed in times of crisis as happened in Red Razors.(Rico would have to take over to cover for him whilst he was kippin obviously!!). Dredd would be ordered to some cryo lab deep in the bowels of Justice Dept after reachin his 75th year and before he becomes to old and inferm to be of any use and frozen. Bam!!. John Wagner!Who he!
'Overwhelming, I'm I not!

Robin Low

If Dredd goes, then 2000AD is probably as good as dead, so I can't see it happening. Even though it's reasonable to say Rico could take over, he still isn't Dredd. What makes Rico interesting is how he interacts with Dredd and how he makes Dredd feel. However, it doesn't need to happen - it's a science fiction story and technology can credibly keep Dredd alive indefinitely.

The question is what happens when Wagner finally does retire (or snuffs it). Many of us have spoken hopefully of Rennie taking over when Wagner goes, but I don't think a week-in, week-out strip is where is heart is.




all interesting ideas though i like mine bestest!
 i still see a "taggart" series though i can go with the brain transplant thing as well.

we musnt forget that dredd is set in "real time" unlike the 60 year old youth peter parker!  so feasibly dredd cant go on forever in his body. as to saying 2000ad would die with dredd! back of the class that man! fingers on lips and see tharg after school!
if we're resting our fandom on one character the other creators may as well pack up and get a job at tescos.
   I do think grennie is the only choice for scripting tagga...  dredd when the wag stands down .

whens the dark judges coming back then?

The Adventurer

Honestly, and I'm serious here, I'd like to see Dredd grow old, and make a mistake resulting in preventable deaths. He realizes his time is done and chooses the long walk, refusing all offers of brain transplants, cyborg bodies, and cryofreesings on general principle. His time is done and he passes into legend.

I think if anyone deserves to find a bit of peace in his retirement it's Joe Dredd.



How old is at the moment!!. Anyone know his exact age?
'Overwhelming, I'm I not!


I think he should be killed by a giant inflatable cock-as drawn by Simon Davis.
Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"


"I think if anyone deserves to find a bit of peace in his retirement it's Joe Dredd."

well, Dredd got one thing now that other judges dont got, a family. I love that total wars story when Dredd really care for his niece than anyone!


I thought Orlok killed Judge Giant?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure he did, some of my favourite ever Steve Dillon Dredd art on that particular episode.
Don't know why it sticks in my mind, it just does...

Dredd should die when the ever increasing tightness of his boots causes a massive rush of blood to his head giving him an embolism, or summat...

Robin Low

"so feasibly dredd cant go on forever in his body."

I'll always argue that 22nd century technology can easily out the problems of aging. Dredd's physical aging can be stopped or reversed without any problems, except perhaps that it might make the character less interesting.

"as to saying 2000ad would die with dredd! back of the class that man! fingers on lips and see tharg after school!"

It's a shame, but I think it's true. I buy 2000AD for Dredd, Dante and Strontium Dog. I buy the Meg for Dredd. That's it. Some of the other series are fun, but by and large they're mostly filler. Very little of the art excites me these days. Sure, I'm only one reader, but I reckon more than a few others would start wondering about buying a Dreddless Prog.

