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Started by JayzusB.Christ, 06 December, 2007, 01:38:38 PM

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blimey floyd i know some of my questions have been hard in the past but that?

excluding bucks fizz i'm going to have to say "the rest of them"


Ah, Floyd, there's a flaw in your question, I'm afraid: define "worst."

If you mean the one that had the worst points showing, it was Jemini's Cry Baby, which came gloriously last with "nil points" in 2003. (The organisers sabotaged their earpieces, allegedly!)
It marked the nadir of a downward curve since the mid-90s.

The UK entries have been universally shit ever since and, for me, have been the source of huge amounts of fun.
I loved Daz Sampson's crazy schoolgirl rap song in 2006 and maintain Scooch were hilarious - and robbed - last year.

It's all a matter of personal taste and - this is the crucial thing to understand - the differences between UK and the rest of Europe mean their idea of "worst" is radically different to ours.

I fucking love Eurovision and I'm really upset that this year I'll miss it to go to my sister's wedding. It's a disgrace!

- Trout


"Can you build up a tolerance to alcohol by drinking regularly ? Is this possible?.I dont know but it seems that way. "

I used to drink to excess from the age of 16. At one stage I was getting paraletic just about every night and was right as rain the next day. Then the blackouts started and eventually the puking blood, which really put the shits up me, that happened when I was 24.

Now my tolerance is almost down to zero. I can have 2 pints or 10 pints and still get a hangover. The other night I must have downed 7 to 9 pints and it took me 2 days to recover.

So the answer, in my case is a big fat NO.

Drokking since 1972

Peace is a lie, there's only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.


of course it's an unanswereable question. I suppose it could have been better put like this "what is the worst Eurovision song contest entry from the UK which you've personally found the most excruciating/embarassing?"

Here's another one.  I'm torn between wanting my Vitamin D and not wanting to die of skin cancer.  How much exposure to the harsh unforgiving Aussie sun is healthy for a white guy like me?

Max Kon

Floyd: it depends what study you read. Apprently the lowest rate of skin cancer in Australia is among life guards at beaches.
Some recent studies have linked sun screen with an increase in skin cancer, one of the chemicals used in most sun screens was found to cause skin cancer. Also an allergic reaction to sun screen is the same as sun burn, which would explain why i only got burnt where i put on sun screen this summer.
So you probably just have to spend moderate amounts of time in the sun, it's best to get a sun tan by slowly exposing yourself to sun during the spring, so when the sun's rays are strongest you are already deeply tanned, as then you will not burn.

Max Kon MD

Pete Wells

Getting back to Bowie, I was teaching a bunch of kids not so long back and before break time I asked them to save their work as their name. I noticed one file was called Z-13.

Like a big daft twat I loudly asked "Come on folks, who's called theirs Z-13? I told you to save your file your name!" Cue one very under confident girl putting her hand up and telling me that her name is indeed Z-13 (her Dad likes motorbikes and named her after one of those, I believe.) Apparently her mam is a huge Bowie fan so Zed has siblings called Ziggy and Zowie. Mental!


Zed is a ridiculous name for a child - however Ziggy is acceptable.

A friend of mine was adamant that he should call his kid 'Noir' given his love of the genre - but I suppose the name has been swamped by Boosh overhype.

I'm determined to call mine after antiquity like ... Agamemnon, Titus, Achilles, Bruce...

Bizarre child-naming frenzy ahoy!


How your kids will love you!  If Agamemnon were a girl, they could shorten it to 'Aggie', not that that's much better.
  I knew a kid called Fullboot once.

Speaking of random questions, our unloved former conservative government introduced an 'Australian Culture' test before being dumped by the electorate.  The test was supposed to weed out immigrants who, you know, didn't really belong here.  Could you answer these vital questions?

WHat is the first line of Australia's anthem?

Who was Australia's first Prime Minister (I had to look this one up - don't tell anyone)?

What is Australia's floral emblem?

Back to goofy names, my favourite odd names of the past are 'Bugless' and 'Brainless'.  


Funny Names article from the BBC website. Hard to believe that some countries issue lists of acceptable names - a bit of variety adds to the spice of life. I was one of 3 'Stephens' in my Primary 1 class out of about 12 boys, no imagination some parents.

Link:" target="_blank">Call me Ikea


I'm totally against dull names - it's almost cruel to not put any thought into your kids names and just go 'oh - I dunno, just call it John or something' a name means summat doesn't it - ? No offense to those parental boarders with Johnbabies, as long as ye thought about it

Call it something insane - I've met more people pissed off at their mundane names than I've met people ashamed of weird names - I mean, I know a Dolfinn - and he bloody loves it ;)


No one's answered MY* questions, so you've all failed the citizenship test, as have I.  
  Shakara is right - many people go through life peeved by having a boring name.  I was christened Floyd, but my parents changed it to my middle name, John, when I went to primary school. I only changed back when I turned 22.

*How DO I do italics and bold letters here?




easy questions floyd!
1:"there's an old australian stockman...lying,dying..."
2:dame edna
3:amber nectar(nectar's flowers right?)

pack yer bags mrs mogzilla were off to oz!!!


...and my random question is why does thumb man when you post sometimes big?