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Things-that-everyone-else-likes-but-you're-not-that-mad-on thread

Started by JayzusB.Christ, 18 December, 2007, 02:05:40 PM

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Peter Wolf

 MP3s  .I cant listen to them at all.

 I dont mind YouTube as its free but i will never ever pay money for them as they just kill my listening enjoyment.

 I mean half the music is lost in the process of turning a track into an MP3 and then there is all that spiel about how my ears cant detect frequencies that are 'inaudible' but they are wrong as i can hear the difference straight off and dont like it at all.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


all that spiel about how my ears cant detect frequencies that are 'inaudible'

Do I really have to do this? This statement is, by definintion, absolutely, 100%, facutal super-true.
Nobody warned me I would be so awesome.

Peter Wolf

 Its the compression of music into MP3s that i dont like.Too much is lost in my opinion.I am not a hi fi freak by the way its just that i have slightly unusual hearing which is why i am noise sensitive to a large extent.Its an assumption on their part that i cant hear sound above certain frequencies.

 Anyway i already have most of the music i want on cds and vinyl and just cant be bothered with all that downloads business at all.

 No doubt you know more than i do about it regarding the tecnical aspects of it too.

Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death

W. R. Logan

I know i'll probably be lynched for saying it here but ive never been that keen on Judge Dredd.


"Buffy = best programme ever. It's a pretty girl kung-fu kicking vampires with snappy one one-liners: if you can't get funding for a show with that premise, you're dead."

Whedon couldn't get funding for it for over seven years - hence the huge gap between the film and the tv show.  In the end, it only got made because Xena: Warrior Princess was a runaway success at the time and the studio wanted something with a female lead.  No preferences for setting, castmembers, demographics or what have you, just something - ANYthing - with a female lead character.

Rather amusingly, all the stuff that Xena did in its run has been appropriated by Buffy fandom - lesbian subtext, musical episodes, the first female TV action hero to go mainstream (though Wonder Woman or Bionic Woman could be argued to be the forerunners here), killing the main character in a season finale - all Buffy's doing, apparantly.


This is the things everyone else likes that you don't thread.... and everyone is entitled to their opinions but... the comments about Red Dwarf....

So profoundly wrong. One of the best shows ever.

In my opinion anyway.

Actually when I saw the first episode when it first came out (yes I'm that old) I thought it was a load of rubbish. So much so I didn't start watching it again until  I happened across an episode in series 3 'Marooned' and it was laught out loud funny.

I still think series 1 is amongst the weakest (the last two included within that bunch) but appart from that, great show.

Ok, back to the thread... one film everyone likes that I think meh... I think The Blair Witch Project. When it first came out there was a big buzz about it, how scary it is etc. I watched it and whilst I liked the original method they took, it just seemed way overrated to me.

Not sure if that qualifies since from what I've seen here and there many would agree with that assessment. However, at the time, Blair Witch was hugely acclaimed.


I know what you meant, Peter, I was just being festively facaetious. Or however you spell it.

While I'm a fan of digital music-on-the-go, I'm against paying for music in mp3 form, meself. I'd always rather have a physical copy.
Nobody warned me I would be so awesome.

Peter Wolf

 Differences in opinions.One of the things that makes life interesting.

 I actually wasnt disappointed by The Blair Witch project as i liked the subject matter and those stick things hanging from the trees were paricularly effective.I thought the whole thing was very effective.

 Shame about the characters lack of survival skills and general all round uselessness when lost in the woods.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death

Peter Wolf

 No worries .For music on the go like a train journey its perfect.I like having a physical copy of something as well and i would hate MP3s to make CDS obselete.

Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


Red Dwarf wouldn't count for this thread anyway - there are heaps of people who dislike it. Myself I liked the first couple of seasons; not genius but amiably funny, but found the later ones painful, like later Ab Fab.

I, Cosh

As I recall, Red Dwarf went downhill pretty quickly after Holly changed sex.
We never really die.

I, Cosh

As I recall, Red Dwarf went downhill pretty quickly after Holly changed sex.
We never really die.

Peter Wolf

 Britney Spears.Cant stand her.

 "Britneey ,i really love Britneey"  You just imagine Chavs listening to her.

 I have heard normally sound individuals of good judgement etc saying "I think Hit me Baby one more time is a great song".

 "Im sorry ,run that by me one more time as i think i heard you wrong!" and that bloody video that went with it.

 Each to their own etc etc
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death

Dark Jimbo

Coffee. Hate the stuff. Why would you have a coffee when you could have a cup of tea?


I concur! Coffee sucks balls, Tea rules OK!