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happy bnew year!

Started by mogzilla, 30 December, 2007, 10:10:23 PM

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sorry to start this a day early but minimogzilla's ill and i've been up since 2.30 ythis morning catching puke and cursing the nhs. so i wont be around,or if i am at home its dvd and chinese and a snuggle with the missis!!!

so happy new year to one and all ...



Silent B indeed, you're pissed already intcha?


i wish! its that parental jet lag all over again!
and to any readers in africa "happy gnu year "


Thinking of going to the beach today, hoping to spend the night by the water.

Something I haven't done I was down south year 2004.

Although, I may just up stay home. It really depends on how easily I can get there.


Happy bnew year to you too!  

I'm going to have a cigar and stay up and watch crap pop music and fireworks on the tv.  
  Resolutions include; saving money, becoming even more buff than I am already and passing my course this year
 Today is going to be 41 degrees with no let up until sometime on bNew Year's day, so we're not doing a whole lot.

yours, off to the gym,





I'm tempted to answer 'weights' but Umpty beat me to it.

actually I rest on the bench and press 65 kilos 8 times. Then I rest for thirty seconds and do it again.

Peter Wolf

 41 degrees.I wish i was there .What a lovely idea spending the night on a beach.Brings back some memories that does.

 Looks like i am not doing much buti am not that interested in New Years Eve at the best of times as its a completely arbitary date on a calender thats all wrong anyway.

 Book up to go here ,book up to there ,or to eat out.Cant be arsed with it all so i will drink at home.

 I have been putting off going to a gymn for the last year so thats on the list for this year.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


A time for reflection and getting pished. I had a look at last year's resolutions - let's see how we got on:

1) Lose 3 stone, done it before but this time it's staying off!

Got to about 2.5 stone off but have drifted back to around 2 stone lighter than last year.

2) Beat this years record of having 11 letters printed in my favourite journals.

Only managed 5, but it was demonstated elsewhere that fewer input pages were printed.

3) Launch a concerted effort to beat the longstanding cinema record of 145 - C'mon Hollywood moguls help me out here!

Only managed 98 but that was mainly due to not working in the city any more. In truth I probably saw more films due to my friend BitTorrent but I can't hide behind that.

4 Beat my mile record (Door to Glasgow Road postbox) of  6mins 45 sec - should be a skoosh only timed it once. Need to complete resolution 1) first though

Didn't get around to timing an effort as I lost my stopwatch. I did join the gym though and can run further and press more than I could at this time last year.

5) Stay self employed and get the empire up to 12 (currently 9)

Hurrah, we are at 12 and I answer to no one (except the Boss).

A poor showing but at least the challenges were attempted, with less lofty goals doubtless being achieved in the year to come.


Happy new Year to everyone

Resolution : to change the world for the betterment of all mankind ( Hey I know its f****N impossible but you gotta try!!)


Floyd, I'm not sure what that ammount of weight means as I haven't go into gym or lifted weights myself in ages.

I have been meaning to though. I keep putting it off.

Regarding my plans for New Years Eve.

Well, I'm still sitting in a room at the computer and it's eight thirty in the evening. It's hundred and thirty dollars return Train/bus fare to the place I wanted to go tonight. No way I am paying that much for very long journey and perhaps much shorter time at my destination. Besides it's been raining ( Summer Rain.) lightly on and off all day.

I got distinct feeling without looking outsight that the weather is all cleared up now.

When I was down south, a few years back. I recall spending many summer nights on the beach just getting away from the heat. They were great times. Bondi beach was easy to get to wether I was in Cronulla or the inner suburbs closer to the city.


A very happy new one to all indeed.

Just the one resolution from last year - to keep afloat and get established in my first year of self employment. Done with bells on!
Next year I'm going for musical world domination. But I'd settle for learning to manage my time better!
Hope you all have an awesome one tonight, be you getty messy, spending time with families (hope minimogzilla gets well soon) or lazing about in tropical climes. I will be making a noise as usual and drinking irresponsibly!
Love Tanky x


Everyone seems to be doing more exciting things than me this new years eve - it's just out into my small town for boozin and chav-avoidance (I know, how terribly 2007, eh?)

The next year I plan to get my art into everyone's eyes, my foot in thousands of archaeological doors and my mind into the hearts of millions - !

hurrah - !