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BSG: Razor

Started by Goaty, 02 January, 2008, 12:40:50 PM

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Thought it was good! nice see the old toasters and their ships back!


It was good fun to see the nods to the old show, but torture to see the "old" Cylons done in the same shitty CGI they do the new versions - which just look fake and plastic-like and kind of make me wonder why everyone's so afraid of them.  And why did the old Cyclons have such effeminate voices?  What was wrong with the old voice effects?  The makers are KILLING me here...

One thing that I don't really like about the new show is their over-reliance on flashbacks whenever they ran out of steam with the contemporary storylines (that boxing episode being the main offender), so I hope they aren't just trying to retcon in some more flashback material for season 4.
Might be a bit slow (and obviously will come across as rather self-involved) for people who haven't watched the actual show, so if you're planning on watching it with a non-BSG viewer, they won't think you, but regular viewers will probably like seeing some blanks filled-in (what happened to Pegasus' first XO and their civilian convoy).

Still no creepy robot monkey dog hybrids, I'm afraid to say.  Can't have everything, I suppose.


It was alright but Gator was a no show so, you know, why bother?

Steve Green

I didn't notice them being particularly effeminate.

Not like this guy...">


Well, as Razor was what they did as a compromise when the where unable to do a spin off series about the first Cylon war, I am fairly happy with it. I loved the CGI original Cylons. I would have liked to see more of first Cylon war but canĂ¢??t have everything.">

The Adventurer

Razor was excellent, The flashbacks to the first Cylon war and the Cylon sneak attack was exactly what I was hoping we'd get.

One thing that I don't really like about the new show is their over-reliance on flashbacks whenever they ran out of steam with the contemporary storylines (that boxing episode being the main offender)

LIES! Unfinished Business was one of the best episodes of the series.


The Adventurer

And I really liked the CG on the original Cylons used in the flashbacks involving Kane.

I generally love the CG on the show, especially on the ships in the Rag Tag Fleet. I'd buy a DVD of nothing but the fleet flying through space.  Seriously.

The only real issue I have is that when Centurions get fired on by the cast with guns they never seem to be hit or damaged at all.


the shutdown man

"The only real issue I have is that when Centurions get fired on by the cast with guns they never seem to be hit or damaged at all."

What about when they boarded the ship? Several Centurion heads blown off in that one.

I too quite like the CGI in this show, the Centurions look like slick killing machines (that shot in one episode where one shoves another one out of the way and sprints towards the camera is just cool) and the outer space CGI is really well done too. I like the fact that Galactica appears to be slowly deteriorating over the course of the series from all the damage. Nice CG touch.
You're at the precipice Tony, of an enormous crossroads.


Pfft.  Do you know NOTHING about old Galactica?  The Lucifer models had to be effiminate because they were the bitches - the silvery and golden ones were the butches.  Relatively speaking, I imagine.
The 1970s Cylon version of porn must be rather dull.

Space-based CGI in BSG is good (although I could do with a bit less of the shaky-camera pseudo-verite stylising), it's just the badly-animated and composited Cylons that let the side down for me - especially in the episode where they boarded the Galactica.  They were overused in that (for my tastes) and it took me out of the episode.  If the entire military was built to fight Cylons, you'd think they'd have a few more of those explosive rounds laying around, too, rather than the oddly-ineffectual handguns they kept shooting.
Mind you, they are in a spaceship, so it's probably not a great idea to be giving armour-piercing bullets to any old Tom, Dick or Harry.

The Adventurer

What about when they boarded the ship? Several Centurion heads blown off in that one.

Well, yes. But what I mean is, I wish normal bullets actually did some kind of damage to them. Because I never really get what the humans think they're accomplishing when firing ordinary bullets at Centurions.

Space-based CGI in BSG is good (although I could do with a bit less of the shaky-camera pseudo-verite stylising)
The hand cam doco style is like the best part of the camera work of this show.

especially in the episode where they boarded the Galactica. They were overused in that (for my tastes) and it took me out of the episode.

Fuh, wha? The Centurions make very few actual on screen appearances in that episode. You mostly only see signs of their carnage in dead bodies and property damage. Which makes the episode very atmospheric, more like a slasher horror movie. Which was great.


Steve Green

Oh, I don't know... he looks like he could do a lot of damage with that pointy head.

No wonder he keeps going cross-eyed.

"Who's the Imperious Leader? Who's the Imperious Leader? Saaaay itttt..."


The Adventurer

Conehead Cylon models have basically been replaced by the Human Cylons of the new show. Since back in Classic Galactica it was the Coneheads who lead and the Centurions who fought.  Though I do think they could have messed well in the new show with some strong redesigning for flashbacks of the first Cylon War.



He's cross-eyed because (s)he likes it deep and hard.

Adventurer - it's a subjective opinion and to each their own.  As a regular sci-fi viewer, I've seen a lot better CGI work done on a weekly tv production schedule.  The BSG stuff is by no stretch the worst I've ever seen (that'd be a toss-up between Babylon 5 and Star Trek: Voyager), it's just 'not good' enough to be jarring for me.
Same with the verite-style dogfights - there's a time when the affectations get in the way of the story and work against it, and too much of the docu-trappings stretches the fourth wall.
Anyway - these are merely gripes, rather than criticisms.  There are only two serious criticisms I can level at the show.
1)  I could happily spend the rest of my life without hearing the made-up swearing they use, and
2)  Anyone who says the show wouldn't be better without a Daggett and its cold, dead, shark-like eyes is a filthy liar who will rot in hell while hot coals roast his belly and dogs feed upon his entrails.">

The Adventurer

But the show has its canine hero, Jake! Who sacrificed his water every night to save the entire human race.

The only made up swear word is Frak. Which is just fine by me because its better then *bleeping* out "Fuck" and this show needs its swear words. Thank god they got rid of stuff like Sectars and Feldercarb however.


Keef Monkey

My only gripe was I was slightly disappointed that it didn't have more to do with the overall plot, but I guess it does need to stand on it's own to some extent so that's forgivable. The CG didn't bother me either, although it was the first time that I've noticed it being a wee bit shonky. Mind you that was on the old school cylons fighting young Adama part and that wasn't actually filmed as part of the overall feature in the first place(and from what I hear wasn't in the televised version) so that might explain the slip in quality.

Overall thought it was great though and did a pretty decent job of keeping my BSG pangs at bay for a wee while longer. Fucking writer's strikes.