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BSG: Razor

Started by Goaty, 02 January, 2008, 12:40:50 PM

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Keef Monkey

Oh, and feel I must show my support for the boxing episode, it seems to get a lot of flak but I thought it was a highlight of that season. I guess one man's mince is another man's gold.


personally, I think the shaky-cam on the dogfights serves a dual perpous of distracting from any dodgy CGI.

I also think that Muffit and his creators are the ones who will burn in hell, worst Doggy sidekick since Scrappy Doo.

My least favourite bit about Razor was the way the TV guide made it sound like a feature lenght ep. cobbled together from the end of the last season, so I didn't bother watching it...

It better be fucking repeated...

The Adventurer

Just buy it on DVD. The aired Version cut like 30 minutes of content anyway.



A grown man should not get as excited as I did upon hearing the words 'by your command'.

Enjoyed it, and it was certainly a good gap filler with some beautiful CGI, but as episodes go, I'd rank it somewhere in the middle. Of course, with BG, that's damning with faint praise, as even the one about the black market's better than just about all other US sci-fi ever.
Nobody warned me I would be so awesome.


yeah i did watch it on DVD not on TV, as TV cut half hour worth! i like the fight between young version-Adama and Toaster in sky!

the shutdown man

Did the DVD version have all the young Adama story? As in, starting with his injured lover, and the battle in the sky above the planet, the older model Cylon ships, all that jazz? Cos that's what they were putting online in weekly "webisodes" a few weeks ago.
You're at the precipice Tony, of an enormous crossroads.


the dvd does got all webisodes, and season 4 trailer.


I'm interested in getting Razor but will it spoil much of season 3?  I didn't get to see all of season 3 cos Virgin dropped Sky 1 during that time period.

Since a lot of it is the backstory of the Pegasus I'm thinking the answer to that question is "No" but I understand there are a thread in the present day, is that correct?

Hoping to get hold of series 3 at the library when it comes in anyway. Not sure about buying the series mainly due to lack of funds, and I find the series drags a bit (i.e I'm happy to watch it but not so keen to own it.). I like it but they take ages to move the story on

Keef Monkey

Don't think it spoils anything really, although there are moments you probably won't enjoy as much without having seen S3. If you're watching it on dvd though steer clear of the extras as there are certainly spoilers in there.

The Adventurer

Yeah, it doesn't spoil anything about Season 3 really. As it's set during the middle of the 2nd half of Season 2.



Thanks for that guys. I'll probably pick it up at some point then.


I always thought he old robot dog was cool in the original series.

I was watching the new series, and mildly surprised to notice the original Appollo ( Robert Hatch.) gracing it with his appaerance.

MIght not have recogniosed the now slightly more grizzled mloking actor if not for seeing photot of the actor on the Wikipdeia.

I think the new series suffers from the same problem as that latest James Bond Film 'Casino Royal'. It's just not as good being so absolutlely modern, with none of the retrospective charm of the early originator.

I still think it was bad idea to replace Starbuck with female. Even if that might have been the original intention of the authors.

the shutdown man

I don't think it was necessarily a bad idea to have Starbuck be a female character (I'm not comparing it to the original, cos I don't really remember much about it), since this is a show that's particularly good with it's female characters, which is pretty rare in sci-fi. The problem I find is that I think Katee Sackhoff is a pretty annoying actress. She has her moments, mainly when doing more serious bits, but whenever she's doing her "I'm a hardass with crazy eyes" routine, I just want to slap her.
You're at the precipice Tony, of an enormous crossroads.


Sackhoff's no age at all and seems to be typecast in that role already, as Bionic Woman viewers (both of them, presumably) can attest.

I think the idea to recast the character as a woman was because they wanted to have sexual tension between the main characters, but this confuses me, as there was a sexual subtext between Richard Hatch (Apollo) and Dirk Benedict (Starbuck) in the original show.  It wasn't exactly subtle, as Starbuck openly admits shortly before Apollo's wedding that he's jealous that a woman's entered the picture, so they didn't really need to recast the character in order to put a 'new' spin on the relationship - but if fans had trouble with a character changing gender, Christ knows what they'd have made of gay leads.  Personally speaking, I'm not convinced sci-fi is as tolerant and inclusive a genre as many fans would have us believe.


Woolworths is selling a box set which includes the mini series & series 1,2 & 3 for £55. I picked one up as a Chrimbo pressie to me & the mrs.

We're upto S2 and lovin it. I'll pick up Razor after S3.

Its good to be watchin some grown-up sci-fi again.
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?