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The new Trek......

Started by the shutdown man, 18 January, 2008, 09:45:31 AM

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Jimbo is an Austrian surname? wow live and learn


exactly my dear Jimbo, I have a Manx surname a Welsh first name and an English middle name and my family's been Australian for about one hundred years

TordelBack family's been Australian for about one hundred years

Oh come now Floyd, Transportation ended in 1868, so it must be at least 140 years. ;>

Funt Solo

Bit unfair there, Bico.  Doctor Neelix was an incredibly innovative character.  As was Science Officer Spockette.  And Captain Upstanding. And...
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Matt Timson

Piss off!  I'll not have Dr Phlox compared to that walking pair of curtains!  It's an outrage!


"Bit unfair there, Bico."

Yes, you've got me there - Galaxy Quest was actually entertaining.

I, Cosh

I have a Manx surname

That sounds like a tale worth telling...
We never really die.

Devons Daddy

bringing back trek.
and pretending that enterprise did not happen. works for me.

i am told that sci fi fans are okay with such things.i once heard we even forgave the killing of bounty hunter mutant.not sure how,it never happened.

but trek,movie,trek tv in.
lets hope ronald moore has a hand now BSG is coming to an end with the latest season.have i got that writer correct?
PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!


i am told that sci fi fans are okay with such things.i once heard we even forgave the killing of bounty hunter mutant.not sure how,it never happened.

yes it did. Judgement Day never happened

:P ;)

the shutdown man

Some little 11-year old kid has been cast as a wee Kirk. I don't know whether it's meant to be a flashback or what, but I'm hoping it won't be too big a part. Kids in Trek are almost never a good thing.
You're at the precipice Tony, of an enormous crossroads.


Kids in Trek are almost never a good thing.

And yet in retrospect, the torment of Wesley Crusher was one of the more fun bits of TNG.  Wil Wheaton's memoires are side-splittingly funny, the poor bastard.  And the kid who played Naomi Wildman in Voyager was one of the better actors, ditto Jake Sisko in DS9.


And Nog, of course.  Bring back Nog!


Nog my fave part of Deep Space Nine, as he start from trouble-maker to be good starfleet officer..

the shutdown man

Yeah, Jake and Nog were actually pretty good. I guess I forgot about them because throughout the series, they actually grew up, and also, they were never the typical Trek "prodigy children", whereas Wesley often was the one person who could solve the problem when a ship full of trained officers (and a highly advanced android) couldn't. And they let him drive the ship when he was what, twelve? That's what irritated me. And then he "ascended to a higher plane of existence"? No, no, no. At least Jake and Nog were pretty believable characters, apart from one of them being an alien obviously. They played pranks as kids, then they wanted grown-up jobs, they had parent issues. All good.

Naomi was kinda borderline. For the most part, she was okay, and fairly believable as a wee 'un, but there were times when she veered dangerously close into Wesley territory. Helping Seven with repairs, and I seem to remember an episode where she presented the captain with a rescue plan for someone? Yes, it was meant to be a cutesy moment, but that's when you say to the people on the bridge "Who let this kid into my office?"

I do remember an early episode of Voyager where Janeway and Paris get sent back in time to a few days before a planet is due to blow up, (a planey where the alien makeup is composed entirely of blonde hair and blue eyes I might add) and the only person who suspects they are aliens is this annoying little ten-year old brat who has aspirations of being a reporter and keeps threatening to write about them in "next week's edition". I'll admit, my prejudice may stem entirely from that irritating little bollocks.
You're at the precipice Tony, of an enormous crossroads.


I think three things killed my love of Star Trek - Discovering Babylon 5, Star Trek 9 Insurrection (fnarr) but mostly Galaxy Quest.