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New Poll: The UK has been invaded! Are you a moron to offer medical aid to the invading force?

Started by 2000AD Online, 29 February, 2008, 01:53:59 PM

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2000AD Online

The UK has been invaded! Are you a moron to offer medical aid to the invading force?

Link: Click to vote

Matt Timson

Forget it- turns out I'm too moronic to make it work...


Hmm that depends...are they a sexy invading force like the chicks in The Warriors or are they the kind that would beat me to a pulp like the blokes in The Warriors?
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?

Matt Timson

Hmmm... I'm going with the kind that would rape, shoot and kill you (and not necessarily in that order either) and your family.  

Oh- and they'd all be men.

Queen Firey-Bou

a) if the poor volg has been forced into duty & just wants to get back to his wife & children
b) if the volg is a crazed psycho desperate to stab you in the eye
c) if the volg is a member of the royal family
d) If the volg will be paralsyed for ever anyway
e) if the hospitals are all full up & theres no food, medicine or shelter for anyone
f) if the invasion is all but over & tescos has re-opened & everythings hunky dory
g) if its all being filmed for some extra terrestrial TV reality where points are rewarded for ruthless savagery
h)if its all being filmed for some extra terrestrial TV reality where points are rewarded for selfless humanitarianism
i)when the volg reminds you of your mother
k) when the volg looks is devestatingly good looking..

hmm, its a toughy


Is that a vote for or against when you click the vote??

Do we Doctors have a get out with or signed oaths?

Ill thought out indeed

DDT did a job on me

Matt Timson

I was going for a 'yes or no' vote- but I couldn't even make that work right.  Twice.

So it's a not a vote at all, I'm afraid.

Matt Timson

I reckon it's probably OK to put the enemy out of their misery...

"Wait!  It's only a flesh wound!"




Ah JEB, if only you'd read The Machine Gunners when you were a lad.

Matt Timson

Hahaha!  I did, actually!  I saw it on TV as well.

Fair's fair, though- simpler time and all that!  I reckon one guy getting shot down, who wants to sit the war out, isn't the same as the screaming hordes fighting in the streets.

Tell you something else- those kids would've been hung as traitors!




Not they wouldn't. They would've been hanged.
Nobody warned me I would be so awesome.

Peter Wolf

I reckon it's probably OK to put the enemy out of their misery...

"Wait! It's only a flesh wound!"


  (;      or whatever means laughing !

 In a way  ,i would think not as they shouldnt be there in the first place.

 There are however a lot of factors to take into consideration and i am not a DR and wouldnt know what to do anyway.Perhaps on the spur of the moment but otherwise No.


Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death

Keef Monkey

Personally I think you'd be a moron to be in an invading force in the first place, but that's proven in the past to be a fairly controversial opinion. So I will say no. People is people man, invading or otherwise.

Matt Timson

I'd like to think that I'd be on the streets, fighting off Johnny Foreigner- but in all likelihood, I'd be hiding under my bed, crying my eyes out and praying for military assistance to arrive as quickly as possible.