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My Wee XBox 360 Queries

Started by Pete Wells, 22 April, 2008, 07:37:16 AM

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Something Fishy

By the ay, not being fanboyish would be to fairly point out the strengths of each console and let him decide (though he didn't ask).  the whole posting that got my response was weighing in tryign to change someone's mind and then not even giving a balanced analysis.

Something Fishy

Tex: totally agree.  I had a failure.  any pre falcon could be at risk.  The 3 year warranty helps to mitigate it but it was annoying.

On a  plus only the falcons re kicking around now so buy new.

On the PS3 front beware Blu ray head failures, these have been increasing in frequency too as we get past the year mark.

New tech hey.. bleeding edge is always a pain.

Something Fishy

I just realised something else you said.

should we point out 360 can also media stream 9direct or via media centre client), download movies? has a top class onine service?  has Live Arcade?

yep, internet service and bugger all else.

do you work for sony, that's seriously poorly informed.


Dangle some bait and the fish bite. Literally.


Of course I work for Sony. I'm head of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe.

What's an "onine" service by the way? Sounds very interesting.

Something Fishy

of course.  classic. that's all it was.

Something Fishy

Phil harrisons replacement?  suitable it must be said.


I'm intrigued. Is the "onine" service an X-box exclusive?

Something Fishy

Judging by the MGO beta it's going to be a while before you guys have any concept of one.

good luck with that :-)

Tex Hex

Forgot about the three year warranty. It does help ease the worry!

My main concern regarding the red ring of death, besides the inconvenience, is the worry that I would get back an older refurbished model. I understand this is how the failures start mounting.

My paranoia aside,  it's the library of games you're buying into and it really is a good 'un.

Oh, The Force Unleashed looks amazing (if Star Wars is your thing)!  


Something Fishy

I think force unleashed is multi platform to be fair.

I agree though, it's only about the games when it comes down to it (that's why I buy a console) and all three have games I'd want this gen but I'd put the 360 ahead right now on terms of sheer volume of great stuff that's out (and some cheap).

All will have plenty to enjoy this gen though.


I'm a little biased and must admit to a sly smile every time a multi-format game came out worse on the PS3 (pro evo for example...more or less broken on the PS3).  I don't do that type of thing these days.

Oh. and GTA will have exclusive 360 content...which is nice if you like GTA (I don't!).


If it's GTA 4 you're after then the XBox version is definitely the one to go for, it's going to have more content than the PS3 version and a better online mode.
I've got nowt against the PS3, but I love my Xbox, and I can't wait to play GTA online!

Philt- calling him on spelling 'online' wrongly is your best argument? *

* cackles to self. The PS3 fanboys will never discover our secret 'onine' function :)

Keef Monkey

Oh, forgot to mention "Mass Effect". I'm not a fan of RPG's but being a sci-fi fan I looooooooooved this game so much that I don't think I put quite enough O's in the word there.

As for the whole PS3/360 battle, it's never going to be settled, some will like one and some will like the other. I can say though that as part of my work I play both inside out more or less on a day to day basis and the 360 is the only one I would consider buying. The PS3 isn't dreadful, but the online service is guff, the 360 has better exclusive games and although PS3 has more power under the bonnet the way it's architecture is structured it can't move it around as efficiently as the 360, meaning all that extra power (for the moment) means exactly gubbins. Of all my workmates I don't know of any who own a PS3 either for the same reasons. And for my money MS did the right thing in offering HD as a peripheral, giving people the choice of whether they wanted to pay the extra for an unproven format or not, PS3 owners didn't have that option and if Blu-Ray had lost the format-war they'd be feeling pretty ripped off right now.

However, I digress, Philt is obviously just looking for a reaction from us "fanboys" but just wanted to offer a balanced view from someone who uses both regularly.


Which one is noisiest when playing the DVD?
"bULLshit Mr Hand man!"
"Man, you come right out of a comic book. "
Previously Krombasher.