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droid niminated for art prize thing

Started by Floyd-the-k, 24 April, 2008, 11:15:58 PM

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like I said....quite good stuff. Usually i don't like this guy's work

Link:" target="_blank">better than what he usually does

Peter Wolf

 Its easily the best out of the 4 by far.

 Second best is the old woman which has a look of Lucian Freud about it.

 The other 2 while being tecnically good are horrible from an aesthetic point of view.

 Better stop before i go all Brian Sewell.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death

I, Cosh

Davis is a member of the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists and works illustrating contemporary comic books

My Babelfish renders that as...

Simon draws cocks and explosions for an imaginary green alien called Tharg. Nice work Simon and good luck.
We never really die.


Wow, those are all terrific, but it has to be between Robert 'Freud' O'Brien and SBD.  I think Simon's just has the edge because it incorporates a very telling pose that (for my money) makes it a 'better' portrait than the O'Brien headshot, but those wrinkles might be hard to beat...

Best of luck, cockmeister.


Very nice - thanks for that, Fløyd.  I went to the BP Portrait exhibition at the Laing Gallery in Newcastle last year, and quite a few of them were just too photographic for my tastes.  I can appreciate the skill and time that's gone into them, but I prefer something a bit messy-round-the-edges, otherwise I get all confused.

Here's a link to last year's entries, if anyone's interested (couldn't do a direct link to the entries, so you'll have to navigate).

Link:" target="_blank">BP Portraits 2007

Queen Firey-Bou

corr, good luck Simon !

Its strange that there seems to be a trend in portraiture towards skillful painting, drawing & photographic rendering, whereas most arts these days don't actually require the artist to be able to draw for toffee. I approve of skills, & disapprove of pretentious vacant conceptualism.

Adrian Bamforth

Yeah the other paintings are interesting but too photographic in my opinion, looking either too photographically perfect or an expression which couldn't have been held for long and therefore as if they have done it from a photograph (not that it matters who did and who didn't, it's just how it comes across). Simon's portrait of Davina McCall is definitely best.


Those other ones are horrible aren't they? Just look like photos run through some filter on PS, naff compostitions too.
Simon's looks great.


Ah, Simons paintings are fantastic. I maintain everytime I am allowed that his work HAS to be seen in the 'flesh'. Even The Mighty One's printing presses cannot harness how Zarjaz his work is.

Good luck Simon.


Steve Green

Best of luck Simon. Nice work there.




Congratulations Simon! Superb, understated painting there!

You talented Art-Bot!

:-) Ruf


Not being biased and all that, but Simon's is the best by far. Good luck mate!!!*

* if Si wins does this mean that my sketch from Bristol last year will auction for thousands? :-)

Peter Wolf

 The thing i like about the Simon Davis entry and the old woman entry is that they look like they were painted in oils and have that wonderful visual quality that i cant describe in words.

 The other 2 look like they have been done in photoshop and while that may be tecnically good they dont have any personality about them as well as the awful subjects.I find the portrait of the woman with the dark hair a bit creepy and i wouldnt like her hanging on my wall.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death
