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Wanna be a cowboy

Started by Floyd-the-k, 15 May, 2008, 02:05:32 AM

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I was wondering this morning how a Western story would go in 2000 AD.  There's a lot of Western influences there; Dredd has a very Clint Eastwood feel to him and the Cursed Earth is very much the sort of place where sherriffy stuff happens, Missionary Man was mostly very cowboy...the list goes on and includes less successful stuff like that Edginton horror/western thingy, that time travel two episode thing....  
 So how would a just plain western story go down with you?  Who should write and draw such a story?  I'm not passionately advocating this; you could make a case that there's enough High Plains Drifterishness in Dredd as it is. Just wondering.

The Adventurer

I'd read just a plain western in 2000AD. However I think it would be a bit of a waste to not add in some sci-fi or fantasy elements.

Really, they should just give American Gothic



Maybe I'm a mentalist, but I think Chris Weston was born to do a long running western comic.

The Adventurer


The Adventurer

And apparently because I cut half my sentence off by accident. It should say...

"Really, they should just give American Gothic another shot."



I always thought Judge Fargo should have been written like he was Sherriff of Cursed Earth.


Yeah, more American Gothic, please 'Farg me old lettuce - it was a neat concept, and just getting going.  Keep that Edginton's nose to the grindstone so he doesn't wander off, or worse yet have time to ponder Detonator-XI.


I'd rather have a straight Western than American Gothic. I don't have very clear memories of it, but vaguely remember it being like a long, not-great Future Shock

Richmond Clements

And there was that one with the cowboys and dinosaurs...

Funt Solo

Cursed Earth Koburn has that western feel about it - I think a straight western would be wrongly placed in 2000AD - which, anyway, has a healthy history of western-style strips.

Missionary Man: honorable mention.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Funt Solo

And yes please to more American Gothic.

It was poorly received here on the board (in general) but then so what.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


That is Strontium Dog, isn't it? A Fistful of Dollars in the Mos Eisley cantina?