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Neither embarassed or ashamed.

Started by DavidXBrunt, 25 May, 2008, 11:40:29 PM

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Richmond Clements

Why is someone allowed to know who scored a goal in the second round of the 1962 world cup, but I'm a fucking wierdo if I know who John Romita Snr is??


I get slightly embarrassed that I love nostalgia. I'll go back to places that I used to go to in my early twenties just to remind myself of the kind of person I used to be.
 I work in the building industry now and don't hardly read as much as I used too. Considering that all my collegues don't speak words more than three syllables, my vocabulary has eroded. You don't realise it, but you are constantly influenced by people around you.

Link: I

Slippery PD

Doesn't embarrassment just depend on who your with at the time.  Cos in reality I'm mightily confused.

I can explain Einsteins theories and describe in a simplistic way what we think gravity is, I also understand String theory and black holes - I wouldnt explain this to my footballing chums, but they know I can do it.  

I can tell you the Greenock Morton side that sat atop the premier league in 1978 or the fact that one of the greatest goals I ever saw was Kenny Dagliesh against Israel in the early 80's - I wouldn't say this to my work mates or my comic buddies, not because Im embarrased but because I doub they are that interested.  

I can tell you what memory you need in a windows 2003 server to run MSSQL, I can tell you what the standard permissioning is on a WINDOWS directory.  Open up a server and I can pull all the hardware out and put it back together without need for a manual! - would either my comic buddies or my football friends be bothered by this?

I can also give a potted history of Judge Dredd.  I like spiderman, JLA and other comic book characters - would my work mates or my football friends be bothered by this?

Personally I think it just depends on who you happen to be with at the time!


The thing is, Bou, I genuinely don't give a crap about any of it. This stuff makes me happy and that's where it ends. At worst it's attempted work place bullying. I think he sees me as a challenge becuase he's not got a reaction from me yet. The fact that he's made an arse out of himself, well that's a bonus.

Daney, I'm not sure if that suggestion would affect Eurovison. No matter who enters all 42 nations get to vote, so block voting will still happen, but with less people to vote on it will be much worse - the same number of votes spread between fewer songs.

It might not be political though. The eastern European countries are all very similar and perhaps the music created in one of them might appeal to another much more than a western European song?

Another suggested solution would be to have a Western adn Eastern Eurovision, but then the funding comes into play. Do the big four have to provide double funding or do the eastern block fund themselves. And would a twin eurovision defeat the point of the concert in the first place?

Funt Solo

::"Why is someone allowed to know who scored a goal in the second round of the 1962 world cup, but I'm a fucking wierdo if I know who John Romita Snr is??"

I know neither of those things.  However, I did name one of my work robots "TK421".  And I know that thing about HAL and IBM.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Something Fishy

I can take Slippy's SQL Server and construct a database to a given spec using transact SQL without needing a reference book.

I can develop you a variety of types of application in a variety of languages without neededing to refer to any documentation.

I know the entire structure of our core corprate databases off by heart.

Like slips, that and a whole host of other IT skill that has become second nature of many years.

I have a head full of facts and gained the name (Trash Heap) for my love of history and being able to come out with all sorts of junk about a host of different subjects at any given time.

I play video games and i'm in my late thirties (big kid).

I rather like watching cartoons with my son and feel no shamein doing so.

Richmond Clements

I know neither of those things. However, I did name one of my work robots "TK421". And I know that thing about HAL and IBM.

I know that thing too. And am smiling knowingly at the robot name.


 I have been known to listen to Dr Who audio adventures on my ipod whilst down the Gym.

 Sometimes I deliberately put Magic on the  radio at work. Actually I am sort of ashamed about that one.

I like the News of the World on a Sunday.

 I still find doing a sneaky robot dance after putting Muse on a pub jukebox quite amusing. (Its got to be Super Massive Black Hole though, something about the opening chords).


The Monarch

I listen to music from games and cartoons

Queen Firey-Bou

arghhhh too ... embarased...

i just had to look up wether to put the black or red jump leads on first.....

ohhh the pain.

Peter Wolf

"All of the above has made me a 'retard' and a 'faggot' for as long as I can remember. Thanks, private schooling! "

 I have had all that for years but the faggot business seems to have stopped now but some people seem to have a real problem even if you are just a little bit well spoken.


 No idea why as its not like i speak the Queens english with a clipped upper class accent.The amount of shit that i had to put up with in Hastings from the yob element for years was unbelievable .

 "Ere did you go to public school ?"

  I refuse to answer that question when asked on the grounds that its no ones business where i went to school.

Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death

Richmond Clements

i just had to look up wether to put the black or red jump leads on first.....

Y'see, I didn't know this, but I didn't care!


I've always respected Jonathon Ross for broadcasting to the world how much he enjoys a certain Old Testament sin. Is there really any man alive who's never indulged? (Except me, of course, i've lived a Hugh-hefner-style swingers' lifestyle since i was 14 and haven't needed to.*)

Anyway, I also have a ridiculously extensive knowledge of Dredd's backstory.
I've also had dreams of being 2000ad characters; including Hewligan and a Mega-citizen watching the Great Atomic Wars. The most recent was last week when i was Slaine stealing the Knucker in a Bisley-esque version of Dragonheist.
And I get really annoyed at comic writers who can't spell or use good grammar - and that was LONG before I became an English teacher. I'm just a sad little pedant trying to be cool really.
Finally, my friends used to put me in a bin for a laugh in primary school. For some reason  i actually thought it was good fun too

*The ideas and opinions expressed within this message may not necessarily be unfalse)
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


I like rocks.The amount of people who stare at me wide eyed when they find this out isn't funny anymore!

To tell the truth, you can all get screwed.

Queen Firey-Bou

I like ROCKS too ! theres this fantastic basilic quartize with a layer of pipe rock nearby, and of course we live over the moine thrust... erm... sorry.