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Last Post for a while

Started by Floyd-the-k, 27 May, 2008, 12:46:54 PM

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El Spurioso

Have to say, I'm a bit confused by some of the reactions here...   What we're basically getting is people threatening to leave, and claiming that they're Too Afraid To Say Anything, simply because the board as a whole has been asked to behave with a little more civility.  

Which is sort of crazy...

Even crazier, by and large the people complaining and threatening to leave *aren't* the ones who are uncivil in the first place.  So why the histrionics and self imposed exiles?It all smells a bit of overreaction.  

Floyd - we need more of you, not less.  


Stay Larf. I'll show you pic-chers...:-)¤t=idreddmornings-1.jpg" target="_blank">">
"bULLshit Mr Hand man!"
"Man, you come right out of a comic book. "
Previously Krombasher.


you could all use this messageboard in a civilised and considerate manner

Let's just do that and drop the whole sad issue.

Floyd, don't go. You were never a problem, IMO.

- Trout

Funt Solo

I apologise: I overstepped the mark in a hotheaded and reactionary way, because I let my anger at various issues get the better of me.

The replies to my post were absolutely fair and made perfect sense in context, as I called Matt a bad word which I suppose I shouldn't now repeat (given that it's been deleted).

Sorry to Matt, specifically, for that comment.  Sorry to Wake, for wasting your time.

I'm going to recuse myself from participating in the board for a while.  
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


The suggestion that when posting remarks, dummy spitting and rattle lobbing was kept to a minimum, was heard loud and clear here.
I would of thought criticism along the lines of "it's shit-'cause it is" and "it's bollocks-'cause I say it is" shouldn't be too hard to avoid.
Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"


I think to be honest we may as well have it settled, and know what we can and can't say.  Because I don't think it's obvious at all.  

Is it okay to say something is boring?  Is that disrespectful?  What criticisms (if any) are we allowed to make without fear of upsetting someone?

Am I to judge it by what opinions I've read in the Megazine, 2000AD and TPO about certain strips and creators from the comic's past?

If it's an unknown level of respect that we only know we've crossed when editorial or the writer/artist in point steps in to abuse the poster?  How can that be fair?

I've not felt comfortable with saying what I've felt for a long time.

As a positive suggestion, how about we have it that we should always post something in review threads that we wouldn't object to being used as a letter in 2000AD, perhaps that posts could actually be used from time to time in the comic when input was running?  With a disclaimer to say that might happen.

That might set a level of respect and thoughtful debate we'd be comfortable with.

If I've just made things worse, then I apologise in advance.

Roger Godpleton

He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!


Gordon Bennets...I don't normally have much to say on these types of issues as they generally just 'go away' before I get wound up.  But can't we just drop this thing now.  The 'silly season' for the board doesn't normally happen till mid-summer when we all get a little hot and bothered but it looks like it happened early this year.

If this is anything like any other time that the board has a hiccup, in a month or two it will be 'forgotten' and every thankg will go back to what passes for normal round here.  That is unless it gets continually dragged back up and re-hashed.

Look at what we had today on the board - A blinking great opportunity to have a Q&A with one of the writers - brilliant.  Even got a script to put up on the FQ website - nice one.  We get regular contribution from other 'droids' too.  It's, please let it go.


"Or alternatively you could all use this messageboard in a civilised and considerate manner, which I seem to remember was my fairly simple and - so I thought - reasonable request in the first place."

And, again, you may colour me mystified as to the supposed threshold that has been crossed that renders this board a disservice to Rebellion and 2000AD, as you claimed in your first post on this subject.

We -- a small but vocal cross section of your fan base -- have been somewhat critical of what has, let's be honest, a lacklustre run of progs over the last few weeks.

At the risk of invoking philt, you seem oblivious to the fact that we were all overwhelmingly positive about the title only a few weeks ago, with many of us lauding the title as the best it has been in years.

What's more, for all the negative feedback, have you not noticed how people have been hanging on for the new line-up and are already making positive noises about it?

No anthology title is ever going to be plain sailing. For the most part, some people will like some strips, and some other, and thereby the balance is maintained. Occasionally, the majority of strips are not met favourably, but it's not like we were threatening to leave en masse or demanding that writer or artist X never be given work again.

The tone remains largely as it was and veiled references to sundry other offences help the discussion not one bit. Irreverence, disrespect and, indeed, outright rudeness are part of the character of 2000AD. That this board should reflect those key qualities speaks well of the board and the core nature of 2000AD that has sustained it over these last 30 years.

If you would like to come back with specific instances of what you consider unacceptable behaviour that has appeared recently on this board then I will happily revise my position and opinion in light of them, but the unsupported assertions that we have seen thus far simply don't stack up to a justification of the way you have characterized this board.

Make no mistake, Matt. I have nuff respeck for your tenure on 2000AD itself, and how you manage to put out the Megazine at all, never mind achieve any quality control is nothing short of superhuman.

But I think you're off the mark here.


Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


dammit floyd comeback!
SOOOOooooo,hows about that judge dredd then?

Jared Katooie

Behave in a reasonable and considerate manner or else leave the board forever? Talk about Hobson's choice!

Seriously though, let's all be nice. The question is not whether Matt is right or wrong in his perception of the board, the question is: Can Matt get rid off the board at any moment? And the answer is yes. Yes he can. So instead of telling Matt how great we are, why dont we just show him by getting on with being our usual great selves?

Because I for one, am very nervous at the moment in time... Tralala happy thoughts... All human contact in danger of being severed, Traleelee...


s**** got away with his behaviour for ages.why did they keep letting him back instead of waiting til now to make the theats of closure?
just a thought,new meg in paper rack needing reading!


Paul, it seems to me that the rules have been made reasonably clear here.  

All assertions should be backed up with evidence and reasoning.  
All disgreements should be conducted in a free environment of mutual respect.
At no time should threats be used, or personal attacks.
Nobody should be unnecessarily rude.

In all cases, these rules are offered with the important caveat that they do not apply to the editor of 2000AD, whose original post that caused all this fuss trangresses each one of them.


"Nobody should be unnecessarily rude. "

Fuck off!


Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.

Peter Wolf

 No one kept letting ----- back.This board is completely open to anyone who wants to join at any one time .If a boarder gets banned then they could rejoin anonymously 5 minutes later.They could rejoin as themselves 5 minutes later and theres nothing anyone can do about it unless they keep banning them  over and over again.

 Thats how it is.

 The only way to ban someone is for whoever owns the server that this website is hosted on to block a particular IP address /broadband connection from accessing this website thatway in the same way you can block nuisance callers on a landline.

  Its amazing how complicated this has become.

 I suppose to some there has not been enough clarity and the matter can seem like it is unresolved when i thought it was.

 Personally i dont think it has been a mediocre run of progs at all but thats just my opinion .AS i have said god knows how many times before i always end up liking strips that not many others here at least seem to like or at least they never admit it.Some of what i like has been more or less consigned to the dustbin .That hurts a little bit but theres no point complaining about it .

 Stone Island = "Bad decision" ?

 Not in my opinion .

 Scojo "got" away with his behaviour even when it was directed at creators because creators probably dont give a toss about what ----- says.

 Creators dont want to be disrespected or slagged off in 4 or 5 word "reviews" or critiques that contain the word "Bollox" or "shit" on a website that  they are represented by and represents them.Or if it is "bollox" then explain why its "bollox".

 Thats it as far as i am concerned .

 Unless i am wrong of course.

 This should be just dropped now and if the creators and the editorial can remember to take notes when the reviews are very positive as well otherwise its a one sided slant that only focuses on the negative things that happen .Everyone has to take the rough with the smooth sometimes as thats life and its unrealistic to expect otherwise and also remember that while majority always rules there is always someone else who is enjoying a strip that is not as popular as some others.

Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death