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New Dr Who, 28/06/08, 7:05pm, The Stolen Earth

Started by Batman's Superior Cousin, 28 June, 2008, 03:42:47 PM

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Next weeks episode is 65mins long.
There is going to be a trailer on bbc1 tomorrow just after 1pm and then it will be online straight after.
Info straight from the official site!


MEIN GOTT!!! Davros was as cool as and yet waaay cooler than ever .Red dalek,excellent(my girl has a new favourite)

cannot wait 7 :shock:  days!!!


Definitely an enjoyable exciting episode. Silly with all the planet grabbing but in a good way. (I wonder why entire stars vanished in the previous episode though? Still it's likely they haven't quite gotten to that stage yet. We're still to find out what the big planet machine is about after all.)

I can't help wondering why the tardis didn't go with the earth when it was transported, but I imagine that's something to do with it existing partly in another dimension. (I have an idea I've seen the tardis teleported before but I can't quite place it... so I could be wrong.)

Great to see all these whoverse cameos. Gwen firing a machine gun was a picture. :) )

A few holes here and there (which to be fair might be filled), and the Indigo teleportation device somehow 'tuning into Martha's mind and taking her where she want's to go....' Please RTD. You really could have come up with better than that. But that's a very minor niggle in an otherwise great episode.

I think I may watch it again when it repeats though. With some of the fast talking exposition I think I missed bits.


Are we really gonna get a new doctor.. i don't think so.

Something will happen and tennant will stay.. no way BBC woukdn't let that one out.

There are no secrets in tv land.. in fact they use supposed 'secrets' to generate viewing figures.. how many times have we seen on eastenders or whatever when a so called major story line happens it isn't revealed in the previous weeks radio times.

you have to let the viewing public know what is happening so they will tune in to watch it!!

Tennent will stay, possibly rose will sacrafice herselfe to save him.

generally a good episode.

One thing.. when did the time war take place, which doctor was it.. mccoy, magan, ecelstone, tennent??

when did this take place??? will we/did we ever seeit?


Just watched it again.
The Masters going to save the day isn't he?
Thinking that key thing that Martha's got is a way to bring him back.
And that's what Caan is going on about when whittering "he's here... the dark one is coming" etc.
And that IS the Masters ring Donnas wearing.
And that heartbeat thing she heard is the sound of drums
Could be completely wrong - but can't wait to find out.
This is almost pre-internet. Things happen and you just have to WAIT for the resolution, no leaks, no spoilers, nothing
The perspective on that chairs all wrong


I think Paul McGann was in the time war just before Eccleston.


Quote from: "Mangamax"Just watched it again.
The Masters going to save the day isn't he?
Thinking that key thing that Martha's got is a way to bring him back.
And that's what Caan is going on about when whittering "he's here... the dark one is coming" etc.
And that IS the Masters ring Donnas wearing.
And that heartbeat thing she heard is the sound of drums
Could be completely wrong - but can't wait to find out.
This is almost pre-internet. Things happen and you just have to WAIT for the resolution, no leaks, no spoilers, nothing

 Is she really going out with him?
Well, there she is. Let's ask her.
Donna, is that The Master's ring you're wearing?
Gee, it must be great riding with him
Is he picking you up after school today?
By the way, where'd you meet him?...


Thoroughly enjoyed this weeks episode and I didn't think I'd say that for an RTD Who. It didn't stop for breath once.

Only spotted the Master drumming when Harriet appeared on everyone's computers the second time I watched it. Is she the Master now?

I really hope next weeks can live up to this.

Richmond Clements

How bloody good was THAT!?!!

The pace was just astounding, and the ending...! WFT!
I seriously doubt that Tennant is going- as has been said before, how the hell could they possibly keep something like that secret, but it'll be fun finding out what the hell's going on.

My baseless prediction: The companion to die- his 'most loyal' companion or something was the wording. I reckon it'll be the TARDIS.


Could we end up with two doctore, one from the DT regen and one from his hand?


Tiny Tips absolutely loved it.

Parts of it were exciting and I enjoyed it in the same way I occassionally enjoy Pot Noodle. But overall I wasn't that impressed. I won't list the usual issues; they were all shoutingly present and correct.

The first "Exterminate, Exterminate, Exterminate" sound of the Daleks and everyone's reactions to it would have been brilliant if we'd not been taking the mick out of Daleks for the last four seasons.   If you'd had the DALEK episode (minus some of the hugs and pixie dust) then this as the reappearrance of the Daleks it would have had about a thousand times more impact.

Having said all that, I'm still up for watching next week. So is there an episode next week or was that the end of season cliffhanger.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


What? What? Whaaat?

I'd been busy moaning about how they can't keep anything a secret any more, and how we all knew the big evil was going to be Davros and his Dalek pals, thanks to trailers, spoilers and the bloody, poxy Internet. Didn't spot the regeneration coming at all, so, er, well done, I guess, RTD.

The episode still bore some of RTD's weaker hallmarks (crappy dialogue, D-list celebrity cameos, mawkish sentimentality), but that one surprise won me over completely. Right up to the moment, I was thinking "Aha! A Dalek! Here we go - Rose is going to get it, and the Doctor will blub. Again". How wrong was I?

Now I'm eagerly looking forward to next week's episode and seeing how all this plays out. I like Tennant. He's a good Doctor and I'll not be overly disappointed if they play some get-out-of-death-free card (provided it makes sense and isn't just pixie dust and magic, Russell). On the other hand, what if they've actually killed him off? What a brave, unexpected and downright risky move that would be. But if it pays off - if Tennant's replacement is as good or better? With Moffatt coming in as head honcho? A bright future for Who beckons, I think.

If I had to guess, my money's on Tennant remaining in the role somehow. If the Time War's no longer time-locked, what's to stop him going back and preventing if from ever happening? If it doesn't happen, the subsequent regenerations presumably also don't happen, unless you want a big old paradox. Throw in a couple of cameo appearances by McGann and Ecclestone, who bravely sacrifice themselves to finish off the Daleks for at least a couple of series' and you end up back at Tennant, fighting fit and ready to go. OK, so that's a rubbish, fanwanky idea, but, y'know, that's why they don't pay me to write the thing. I just love the fact that I don't know what's going to happen, and that for the first time in ages, it feels like the possibilities really are endless.
Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!


QuoteOK, so that's a rubbish, fanwanky idea, but, y'know, that's why they don't pay me to write the thing.

No, they pay Russell T Davies to write rubbish, fankwanky ideas instead!  :lol:


I've been told this morning that apparently Katherine Tate let slip in an interview ages ago, that it was Tennants last series, but it was very quickly debunked and withdrawn by the BBC! However I've not had a chance to try find out any more. Perhaps someone else can find out more on this interview.

I enjoyed that episode so much I actually watched it again yesterday and may even watch it a third time before next Saturdays episode!!


She did it on Jonathon Ross a while back...