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'Free' Megazine GN Suggestions

Started by radiator, 01 July, 2008, 12:51:47 PM

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QuoteI was thinking, what about The Corps?
You know, that war story featuring a mutant strain of the Kleggs?
I'm quite intruiged at the idea.

The Corps was reprinted in 2000ad Extreme Edition 17, so it's unlikely to appear again so soon after that.

It's still available from the 2000ad store:


Damn, why do I keep over looking these things.
Well, it's added to my baskit anyway.


I agree with one of the latest Meg letter writers with his suggestions of Sancho Panzer and Black Light. Think they'd be a good fit, and more Henry Flint is always a good idea!

Also, how about Glimmer Rats?!


Oh and I'm going to risk a Rigellian hotshot here and suggest Maniac 5. Mainly for the Steve Yeowall robot art!  :D


Maniac 5? (shudder).

Thumbs up for Sancho Panzer.

I suggest Vanguard.

Also, in addition to the complete Downlode Tales, how about a few further Sinister Dexter collections? There's loads of great S/D material that had never been reprinted (and isn't otherwise likely to be any time soon). Could collect all the stuff left out of the trades, longer individual storylines, or an occasional collection of one-offs.


If Rebellion are really not going to be releasing any more Sinister Dexter in trade form, I have to ask what's the point of continuing them in the prog? I refuse to believe they don't sell- I think it was just the crappy presentation and screwed up continuity last time around. I demand a casefiles-type treatment! And if they REALLY really aren't doing any more, then yes, floppies please. If they can inflict four or five months of interminable Mercy Heights on us, they can damn well give us four or five months of quality SiniDex.

Other than that, BONJO FROM BEYOND THE STARS and DASH DECENT please!



Yeah, I've suggested Sin/Dex Case Files before - would totally buy them - though perhaps they'd be better with cheaper paper stock to keep the price down - I don't buy the argument that all colour artwork becomes unreadable mush when printed on pulpier paper stock.


Quote from: radiator on 19 September, 2011, 02:00:08 PM
Yeah, I've suggested Sin/Dex Case Files before - would totally buy them - though perhaps they'd be better with cheaper paper stock to keep the price down - I don't buy the argument that all colour artwork becomes unreadable mush when printed on pulpier paper stock.

Agreed. I really like the paper that Vertigo use for their trades- which isn't much of a step up from newsprint, but actually feels like I'm reading a comic. See 'Scalped' especially for this. The shinier paper actually annoys me due to its light-reflecting properties making it difficult to read. I think a lot of bollocks is spoken about the need for "high quality" paper- as if comics are read entirely by people that just want to gaze at the art and must see every shade and hue. Personally, I just want to read the stories- if it's a choice between not having a complete SiniDex tarde series because the shiny paper makes the pricepoint too high to justify it, or having it on bogroll- but actually having it, I'll take the bogroll.

And newsprinty paper doesn't buckle when you accidentally get it wet.



Yeah, the Preacher, Swamp Thing and 100 Bullets trades I have all use a rough, pulpy paper which I really like. I know it's a little different with fully painted artwork, but Imo it would be perfectly readable.

I like the colour Case Files books, but they weigh a bloody ton - and aren't cheap.


The weight is actually becoming an issue here as well- as I have a bookcase bowing under the combined weight of the Casefiles and other colour Rebellion trades. Which means I have to buy a considerably stronger and more expensive bookcase.

With regard to the thing about it being muddy when fully-painted art is printed on the cheaper paper- I sort of understand that, but to be honest during the nineties when everything was painted and on cheap paper, it didn't worry me at all. The quality of the writing and the fact that many of the artists couldn't actually draw, was my biggest problem at that time.


Grant Goggans

Yeah, whenever the next time I move is, I have an IKEA shelf that won't be coming with me because of what all Tharg's thrills have done to it.


Quote from: SmallBlueThing on 19 September, 2011, 04:40:37 PMWhich means I have to buy a considerably stronger and more expensive bookcase.
What are you using now? Mind are on a Billy, a very much not expensive 55 quid from IKEA.


I just got a Billy - but the box it came in was far, far too long to fit in our car so I ended up having to pay an extra £35 to have it delivered!


...and I also ended up having to move all my furniture round so I had enough floorspace to assemble the bastard!


Agree with the paper issue. I prefer uncoated paper stock to the glossy stuff. Looking cheaper though, doesn't necessarily mean cheaper cost. 

Having said that, for some reprints such as Clint Langley ABC Warriors and Slaine, I think glossy is preferable as it brings out the detail and vibrancy.

In the old days colourists would use (or specify I guess) brighter colours to compensate for pulpy paper stock which would absorb the ink. I haven't looked at Marvel reprints for a while but I recall a Frank Miller Daredevil graphic novel that was way too bright. It looked wrong. I would prefer modern day reprints of such older comics to be dulled to achieve the original desired printed effect.