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Prog 1596 - The Unknown Soldier

Started by The Enigmatic Dr X, 19 July, 2008, 07:36:55 AM

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El Spurioso

Wow...  I didn't see that one coming!

[spoiler]By which, of course, I mean the angry reactions.  So let me set a few things straight:

1) I/we didn't know about the Dead Signal twist when The Vort was being created.  
2) Not that it would've mattered either way.  To be frank, I don't really see the synchronicity.  Dead Signal delivered a wonderful crotchpunch after the self-contained story had ended, which came out of nowhere, which nobody saw coming, and which announced the return of some characters nobody ever expected to see again.  The Vort was intended as a juicy little foreword to the L.R. story, dripping with mystery.  I think it was pretty obvious from the start that it was building into something else -- the question has always been: "what?"  Now you know.  
3) The story of the Vort (the planet) is not over.  This was not a cheap gimmick to startle and surprise everyone with the unexpected return of Lob because - duh - we've all known he's coming back for months.
4) RE: cynicism regarding "the motives of the writers" -- to entertain, interest, engage and hopefully surprise.  Just because we knew to expect a surprise, doesn't make the mystery any less engaging.
5) As you'll see next week, Lob hasn't got a fucking clue what's going on.  Thanks to the Vort, we now know how he feels.  The whole point of this series was that the new (and hopefully eagerly awaited, by some) Lobster Random series in fact started 6 weeks ago, but none of us knew -- least of all Lob. least, that was the plan.  I don't intend to defend it, because these things should stand or fall on their own merits.  But I can defend my motives, and I can present the facts.

I can also, FINALLY, take this opportunity to publically say how fucking AMAZING D'Israeli's artwork has been.  

He knows his storytelling.[/spoiler]

All hail Matt Brooker, genius at large.


Would PEOPLE stop mixing up Dead Signal with Dead Eyes!

Dead Eyes is the one I drew.

No, hang on...



I did apolgise PJ, and the same to Al before he gets out his hyper-kinetic knacking stick.  But I have to say, two strips called Dead 'Something' at the same time.  It's a farce, complete ripping off of the Dead Man, with the whole 'dead' thing and there was man in it.  I think.  Hang your sorry heads in shame.


Anger =  :|
Exit =  :arrow:

Roger Godpleton

It's not like the revelation was dishonest and misleading, as really anyone could have noted the visual similarity, and the fact that there was an entire episode of [spoiler]torture[/spoiler] was a pretty big giveaway.

I read the Dead Eyes twist as more of an advert for future IP awesomeness. Don't forget that Smith tried to bring Tyranny back, maybe he's looking to add more focus to his stories instead of constantly inventing new mythos which only get used once?
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!

Dark Jimbo

Quote from: "El Spurioso"Wow...  I didn't see that one coming!
[spoiler]By which, of course, I mean the angry reactions.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]I'd like to think none of us were angry, Si - I certainly hope I tried to explain my reasons for thinking as I do and stress that I thought something was still going to be done with all the Vort stuff - I'd say if anything, you were simply the victim of unfortunate scheduling; coming as it did so soon after Dead Eyes rather took the edge off the surprise.

Anyway, what I really want to know is - IS LOB GOING TO GET THE CLAWS BACK?!!?

And I still can't believe I didn't twig when that torture scene happened.[/spoiler]

El Spurioso

Yeah, you're both quite right - "angry" was the wrong word.


Very interesting prog this one.

The cover- [spoiler]In hindsight I can certainly see a clue to the twist on that cover, as certain scar tissue is clearly in view. I didn't really notice before hand though which makes it all the more delicious. The twist I mean. Not the claws. (My mind has gone down a rather disgusting route now... I tasted a bit of Lobster claw once, and it was very tasty...) And poor Bless's face.... I don't remember it being that swollen. Ouch.[/spoiler]

Dredd-  Nice start to the story. The reference to previous issues is a bit vague though, I'll probably dig out that prog at some point. [spoiler]I think I know the one though. The one where the undercover judge lady is caught right?[/spoiler]  Richard Elson's art is very luscious. I've noticed this before, Dredd's helmet looks, rather different than with many other artists. Not entirely sure how, something to do with the wrap-around visor I think, or the squareness of the helmet in profile. Give it a rather realistic look.

Defoe- I'm really liking this strip. I keep saying that but it's worth saying I think.  James Bond shenanigans this week! (I was wondering, the term 'steam punk' usually refers to Victorian based Sci-fi right? Can the term be broadened to include this, as it seems very apt.) [spoiler]And the return of a certain pretty face. I think we all know who she really is.[/spoiler]

Dante-  Great continuation. [spoiler]Is it just me or does that panel showing inside the cockpit of the ravenwing remind anyone of a certain scene in Terminator 3?[/spoiler]

Sinister Dexter-  Why do people hate this so much? Sure some of the themes are quite old in sci-fi, what with the parrallel universes and duplicates etc, but wrapping it all in a gangster story wrapping surely gives it something new. [spoiler]I wonder if those bullets Ramone is firing strike home this time?[/spoiler]

The Vort-  Lets be fair, THE TWIST isn't the only twist in this episode.  [spoiler]Just look at those photos. Not much of a surprise considering the actions of certain soldiers, but it's an interesting confirmation of the nature of the planet- i.e. it's not just that the EMP is driving them crazy, there is a design at work. And I find it interesting El Spurioso mentions we haven't seen the last of the Vort in light of that. Interesting that Dead Eyes has been mentioned, those critters actually reminded me of beings from that story too.  

As for the final twist, I have to admit, I wasn't all that surprised. Someone had a theory concerning this in previous reviews.  It was interesting just the same though, but I'm sure it would have had more impact on those acquainted with the character. My only exposure is a bit of blurb I read on wiki, when I knew he was coming back. So all I know is that he's some kind of hard-case with large claws who has a certain penchant for torture. I'm intrigued though. And the idea of one strip introducing another doesn't bother me in the least. In fact I like the fact it's one big world.  Incidentally, I think maybe Tharg gave away a bit too much in his intro, but never mind.[/spoiler]


Massively disappointed The Vort isn't a standalone story, but I'll reserve judgement until I've read it next wednesday as I have really enjoyed it. But congrats on the story so far, it's been a cracker. Atmospheric and gripping.

Maybe we're all a bit sad, but it was obvious G Powell wasn't real from the beginning, which made it likely it was a regular writer, which made a twist ending a nigh on certainty. Seeing who had posted last on this thread when I came in just now, I thought Oh well, might as well read the spoilers, you know most of it now.

If Tharg wants to do this sort of thing again maybe "change it up" a bit as they say on The Wire.
Should have credited it to Keef Ripley, that would have shit everyone up!


Should have just called it Lobster Random.

The Monarch

Quotedid apolgise PJ, and the same to Al before he gets out his hyper-kinetic knacking stick. But I have to say, two strips called Dead 'Something' at the same time. It's a farce, complete ripping off of the Dead Man, with the whole 'dead' thing and there was man in it. I think. Hang your sorry heads in shame.

and yet again I will mention that they wearn't supposed to be around at the same time

sorry if I am being defensive I really liked dead eyes even before the W and C reveal

Pete Wells

My tuppence worth...

Cover - Dizzy loveliness. Would never have guessed the twist from the cover; the soldier is called Crispy, so scarred sides mean nowt!

Dredd - Stunning Elson art though I was really confused at first as, at first glance, I thought the bandaged sniper guy on page 1 was the Indy rip off from the recent Ownwership story and it didn't help that it was the same creative team! Half way through I sussed that it was the continuation of a completely different plot thread. As for the script itself, pedestrian enough until the final page when the sucker punch was delivered. Good stuff (for a non-Wagner Dredd.)

Defoe - Meh. Nice Batmobile though.

Dante - This episode reminded me of the speeder chase at start of Attack of the Clones. Despite that, it was exciting stuff though I really cannot take Release the White seriously! Jenna's Diavolo made me smile far more than it should have which is testament to this series as a whole. Great stuff.

Sin Dex - Canny enough though perhaps not enough happening in this episode. However, the the strip retains my interest and I too am interested to see if Ramone's bullets hit home this time.

The Vort - [spoiler]Hmmmm. I can see what others are saying about another big character reveal so close to the others, bad scheduling indeed. If I were Tharg (heaven forbid!) I'd have credited the story to Si from the off. We all know he loves writing about strange other worlds and way out environments so perhaps we would have believed that this was a stand alone tale. Certainly, Si has got the chops to work with a big hitter like DiIsraeli, whereas unknown writer G Powell, who hasn't even had a future shock, makes us nerdy readers suspicious fromt the start. As a result, I think we all sussed a big reveal from the off.[/spoiler] As a whole though, the series was brilliant. The creativity and vision from both creators was breathtaking and they should both be showered with cuddles.

Other stuff - The cover for prog 1601 looks amazing and, in the Damage Report,  congratulations to PYE-01. Hmmm, I wonder what video game manuals he was asked to design...


Monarch, I couldn't have been more tongue in cheek with that last post without doing myself a cheek and tongue-related injury, so thought I could do without a  ;)  but apologies if you felt I was trying to wind you up.

The Monarch

Keef Monkey

Do we need to spoiler tag stuff in this thread? Does anyone really read this stuff before they read the prog? That would be asking for spoilers to the face surely. Anyway, my Vort opinion, spoilers ahoy:

[spoiler]I was bowled over by it. I know Dead Eyes had pulled a similar trick, but knowing absolutely nada about the old strip being referenced it really didn't mean anything to me and I felt a bit let down that after enjoying the story so much I didn't get the punchline. Even the fact that Malone did it is fine by me, I enjoyed Malone and being a big Sin/Dex fan I was floored at the twist. The Vort worked even better because the whole thing stood on it's own as a good future war story in it's own right, before any twisty jiggery pokery appeared. Far from feeling cheated I think it's set up a lot of questions that will hopefully be answered in the Lob strip, and it set up those questions in the most effective and intriguing way possible. So as "The Vort" I found it a success and as a tone-setter for the new Lob strip I count it a success also. Like anything with a well laid twist though, when I re-read the whole strip I was kicking myself because all the hints were there. Very well done.[/spoiler]

The rest of the prog was cracking too, nice to see that old Dredd baddie popping up again and I'm finding Dante genuinely exciting for the first time in years.


I was enjoying the Vort a lot but I wanted it to become more than a tie in, different personal tastes I suppose.