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Vampire Earth Series EE Knight

Started by TheEdge, 14 August, 2008, 04:26:29 PM

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I loved this book! There is something in it to appeal to every reader. A little horror, a little SF, a little mysticism, even a touch of romance.
The main character, David Valentine, is an elite soldier on a near future earth that has been turned on its ear. Man is no longer at the top of the food chain--he has become prey to turncoat humans, genetically created monsters called grogs, the menacing, vampiric Reapers and the alien Kurian masters. He is of the first generation never to have known life without the fear of the Reapers.

The book shows his development from childhood, through his training, and into young adulthood. He is chosen by a good Kurian, a Lifeweaver, to become a Wolf, an elite warrior with the finely honed senses and strength of a wolf. His job--to help destroy the minions of the Kurians and protect the safety of the Free Territory.

The post-apocalyptic world and the characters of this book ring true. You see the best and worst of human nature close up. And although the world under the Kurians is a violent and unpredictable place, there are still flashes of happiness and humor and love as humanity survives and adapts to life under the world's new masters. And David is a true hero that anchors this at times grim and violent book with a human heart.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a well-spun, fast-paced adventure tale!
"Save Trees, Eat Beavers"
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