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Posting links advice please

Started by Dandontdare, 12 November, 2008, 06:12:03 PM

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Tried a search for this topic as I'm sure it would have come up before  - found several variations of the question, plus bumps, but no reply (though admittedly i gave up the search rather quickly!)

My question - how do you post re-titled links; ie links that don't look like long URLs?

I tend to copy the link from the browser address bar, click on the URL button in the post and paste it between the brackets, but this just shows the whole address.

I, Cosh

Insted of posting it as


You make it

Lanarkshire's Favourite
We never really die.


aha - let's give that a go...

this website should be better known!

EDIT: Cheers mate, that worked fine!

Pete Wells

Gonna try the links thingy This site shouldn't be well known

Cor that works!

What about the Attachment bit that lets you put whoppa pictures on the board?