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2000 AD free to good home in Sydney OZ.

Started by Valhalla, 19 November, 2008, 06:37:51 AM

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Hi Guys,

Been a long time since I was here. For years I've been collecting 2000 AD and other related comics. Along the way I've picked up a huge amount of doubles. I've been thinking about getting rid of them for a while now but .....well I'm lazy and spending time listing them on ebay doesn't really appeal with me. So I never got up off my arse to move them.

So life goes on and my wife and I are expecting our first child in a few months and I realise it's really about time I got organised and cleared some space.

I'm too lazy to list them on ebay and I couldn't bear to bin them or take them to a 2nd hand bookstore, as I'd prefer someone who was into 2000 ad actually got them.

Now if there is anyone in Sydney, Australia after some free comics give me a yell and I'll hook you up. I haven't gone through the comics in years so I can't say what's in them. From memory there are a couple of hundred 2000AD doubles. I also want to get rid of the reprint comics: Best of 2000ad, Complete Judge Dredd, US Fleetway and Quality Comics reprints of which I think there may be a few hundred. All of these are in assorted condition. If I get any interest through this post I'll take a look and send you a more detailed listing.




Just a reminder that's there is some FREE 2000AD comics in Sydney Australia. Surely there must be some aussies on this board or maybe you know some aussies that need some FREE THRILLPOWER. Either way drop me an email or reply to this thread and I'd love to hook you up. I'm willing to post them (as long as you foot the postage cost).

They've gotta go soon as I have a baby arriving in T minus 10 weeks.


How Much?

I live in South East Queensland.


Hi Thrillseeker,

Very sorry I have been slow getting back to you. It's been a bit crazy here, moving house and our baby was born last Friday. Phew!

This offer still stands. I am looking at getting rid of a large quantity of comics. Several hundred back issues of 2000 ad and the Megazine that I have doubles of. I'm also looking at getting rid of any of the comics that are reprints eg. The complete Judge Dredd, The best of 2000 AD, the US Fleetway and Quality Comics etc.

If you're still interested let me know if there is specific stuff and I'll dig them out and see what I've got. Also let me know a post code and town your in so I can see what postal rates are like for you.

Feel free to contact me on"> as I check that address more often.

If any one else is interested in what I've got let me know. I'm happy to split them up. I'd just prefer that someone who appreciated the comic got them rather then dump them or have to go through the effort of ebay. If life settles a bit in the next few days I'll pull out the boxes and post a more detailed listing

Kind regards,
