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Slaine Warrior's Dawn! Latest Reprint!

Started by ThryllSeekyr, 04 December, 2008, 04:31:28 AM

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I love that picture too, but feel it hasn't appeared quite often enough throughout this thread.

Hope this helps
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Quote from: "+rufus+"
Quote from: "His Lordship rac"
Quote from: "IndigoPrime"The replacement cover is this one:

Seriously- that image is quite possibly the single greatest comic image ever drawn.

I concur... My favouritestest image ever.

I love it, but always wondered why the beasty didn't just shut its jaw and bite his hand off.


QuoteI love it, but always wondered why the beasty didn't just shut its jaw and bite his hand off.

S' got a toad in its throat, innit?  That, and a huge gummy arm-sized gap between its teeth.

Richmond Clements

Obviously, it doesn't because Slaine is Rock Fucking Hard.


What I was trying to make clear before.

The book with this cover......    

... is the same as this one.

So, I imagine that the newer one is replacement for the older one.

I never liked the second cover anyway. The artwork with a more mature looking Slaine holding the Sword of the Moon like he doesn't need it. The Sword of the Moon. I don't reckon he came into contact with this until the Horned God Saga. While it's a good picture, it still just doesn't seem right to me.

Another thing about the book. The cover of the one I got was trimmed alittle. The cover is mere milliemetee short along the vertical side of the cover. I didn't say anything to fellow who gave this to me in the shop at the time, because I was pleased to get it. I then wondered if somebody with a paper gillotine did this just to be smart or that this book was came from the press like this. A mistake of the machine. Barely noticeable at a cursory glance and considered by most booksellers to be ' a clean lift.' It's not effecting the comic itself. it 's still readable, but little annoying to me.

However the book with this cover is missing a few stories that those other two had.

Same cover, though the colour is darker.

His Lordship Rac commented.....

QuoteAnd I cannot believe that I'm going to meet him!



Mike McMahon?

Pat Mills?

Tordal Bach commented.....

QuoteS' got a toad in its throat, innit? That, and a huge gummy arm-sized gap between its teeth.

Slaine losing his hand to that Tyranosaur never occured to me.

Though I sometimes think how does not ever snap one or both lower legs performing a Salmon leap and the chances of a omne of the many nurmerous unhuman foes surrounding Slaine successfully connecting weapon with the un-armoured portion of his body with critical results.

I think it's just Slaine's talent for being lucky in a fight if not anywhere else and of the typically amount of realism shown in comics.

His hand is between the gap behind the two upper front fangs. Giveing it's much larger size, I  guess thats unless Slaine had the reflexes to remove his hand in time. --I'd say he would-- . If not, his hand would still get severly mashed by it's gums.

Never the less. He may warp-out if that happened. I might almost belive that if he could do that, then he could also regrow hia hand or atleast completely heal it.

For this reason alone, nothing that knows should ever want to hurt slaine unless they could kill him.

Than again, a Dinosaur doesn't think that way if it does at all. Though it may sence something different about this strange warped meat. You' know animals can sence danger before humans can.

Wow, come  to think of it, I just don't know how anybody might think of sticking their hand into the prehistoric's mouth like that.

About the toad.

it's not in the picture, maybe it would be more accurate if Slaine was seen to be wielding a toad in his free hand while using that Braind-biter in his other hand to pry/keep it's mouth from shutting.

I just thought, if Slaine had the Sword of the Moon with it's speical ability. How might the dinosaur react to having this swung at it's mouth.

I'd change the picture accordingly, but fear to offend the artist.

it's still one of the best Slaine covers I have seen.

Richmond Clements

QuoteAnd I cannot believe that I'm going to meet him!



Mike McMahon?

Pat Mills?

Here's your answer:


Quote from: "ThryllSeekyr"So, I imagine that the newer one is replacement for the older one.
Mostly, although the Rebellion 'reissues' are not identical to the Rebellion/DC books. Aside from new trade dress, production quality is far higher (thicker covers, better paper), and the additional content is often amended. I can't recall how much of the Sláine book changed, but I'm pretty sure the new version has better and slightly more additional content.


Indigo Prime says......

QuoteI can't recall how much of the Sláine book changed, but I'm pretty sure the new version has better and slightly more additional content.

I let you know when I get a chance to compare both books side by side.

While I understand that it's customary for the winner of the current art competion to choose the theme for the next art competition.

I suggest everyone do their own version of the Slaine cover.

Not actualley copy it , but their own version.

Your own version of that cover including slaine deploying the toad.


There he is!

The artist himself.

 Mike MacMahon.


Well, it's the first time I have seen him and that nearly al the Slaine artists I now know by face.

Roger Godpleton

He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!