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Judge Dredd Movie is Green Lit!

Started by w3bz, 19 December, 2008, 05:59:17 PM

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I'm a little alarmed at how often Jason Statham's name is cropping up on various other sites and forums in connection with the role of Dredd.

So, so wrong.


I'm very happy to hear this news but have no idea of who should play who.
I also think it depends on which point they want to come in on. I'd rather see an earlier Dredd (ie after having been in the job for a few years) rather than an Origins Dredd or current day Dredd.
We need some sort of summary of how we got where we are by the start of the film, and not in a crap short voiceover as he had before. You could sum up the collapse of our system, the Atomic War, the building of MC1 and the other cities with some really great special efects.
Even looking at the old Dredd film there was evidence that it could be done properly. The flight over the city and the blocks by the taxi (ignoring the dodgy look of the inside and Rob Schneider's acting) showed that it is possible to do MC1 justice, and how many years ago was that?
Sunshine looked great for effects and 28 Weeks Later had great grittyness, and something I think was massively missing in Judge Dredd the movie. Space. The only outside set we saw was a small area with big pipes, unsidedown shop, some punks and goths. We need SCALE, we need SPACE, we need some decent outside (or well done CGI mixing outside shots with great vista's/decent buildings) shooting. 28 Weeks had this, the biking through the graveyards, the use of the streets when the soldiers were clearing them, the scenes when the undead were streaming through Canary Wharf.
MC1 is the size of many states (even if you ignore the sprawling mess it became pre-apocalypse war) and that needs to be represented.

I am guessing and hoping that this is one of the major IP things the Kingsley brothers wanted to do when they bought 2000ad and are so not going to utterly screw it up by rushing or not paying attention (or as happened before handing it over to someone who knows nothing). I think there are many 2000ad writers past and present who would be capable of doing a decent story that we hard-core fans would love as well as being open to new people.
The worry that the film will have a crap ending can be sorted out by having someone who knows what they are doing!
I also agree that it needs to be a decent length. 120 minutes at least.

I'm wondering what sort of merchandise there could be if this goes ahead and does well . Here's hoping, and of course everyone here is a wonderful sounding board ;)

Roger Godpleton

I would prefer the story to be a mixture of America and Block Mania.
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!

Bad Andy

Along with the democracy terrorists, the other really interesting aspect to play on would be PSU. Finding a perp from the shampoo and chewing gum he uses is become scarily probable. PSU, especially one run by Edgar, would take the concept to the extreme.

If the new film is decent enough, I can see a short run of series following the Cursed Earth, Day the Law Died and Judge Child Quest storylines. We already know that they work well in episodic form.

Oh - and we can probably look forward to another Dredd video game as well.


I think America is something you only really get once you've been enveloped in the judge system for so long. If it was used now it'd just make Dredd more facist that the system actually is (remember one of the few good bits from the end of Helter Skelter?  "You are a citizen of Mega-city one and I am sworn to protect you" theres a reason for the way things are) and then you just draw parrallels with things that are happening now in our world which I always thinks makes a mess of a story thats been around for decades.

Block Mania yes, Robot Rebellion maybe, I'd love to see a full Apocalypse War but not for a first film (and is the sov thing too dated? I'd hope not.) and Death seems a bit full on until the world is established in the minds of new people. But I think that especially elements such as Block life, futsies, mass unemployment, weather control, simps, smoking/sugar etc being banned need to be in there. All the sort of things that builds the back story of Dredds world need to be included in one way or another. Just watching Dredd on duty would sort that out. I like the idea of a bit of an understanding of the different sections of the Judges system (Psi, Tek,Street, Med Judges etc) should be in there somewhere as well. Again, a bit of normal routine would surely do that. Doesn't need to take ages.
Block Mania would certainly do that (see the way the lives of normal block dwellers changed after something happens, or after they are all doped by Orlok).

hoover boy

Clancy Brown - yeah, I can see it
Ron Perlman - bit obvious but would do a great job
Josh Brolin - would be excelent as would...
Adam Baldwin.

But please, please please NO STATHAM!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's another name for you - watch The Rock (film not person) and tell me John C Mcginley isn't the spitting image of Cliff Robinson's Dredd.


Over on the AICN Talkback, someone suggested Guy Ritchie to direct and Jason Statham to star.

hoover boy


Quote from: "Bad Andy"Along with the democracy terrorists, the other really interesting aspect to play on would be PSU. Finding a perp from the shampoo and chewing gum he uses is become scarily probable. PSU, especially one run by Edgar, would take the concept to the extreme.

That is what I'd like to see but, as someone pointed out earlier, we aint makin the damn thing so all of this speculation is pretty moot.

I do hope they use 2000ad artists for the production design though - you could easily spot Kev Walkers influence throughout the first film.  I would also like to see the new one as (I cant believe I'm going to say this) a re-boot rather than a sequel. Killing off all future chief judges in the council massacre doesn't give you very far to go.

I agree with no dark judges and not a re treading of the rico story.

one more thing... If you're going to slag off Scojo, do it on a new thread.



Quote from: "hoover boy"I would also like to see the new one as (I cant believe I'm going to say this) a re-boot rather than a sequel. Killing off all future chief judges in the council massacre doesn't give you very far to go.
I think that's a no-brainer. It can then be marketed like Batman, and won't immediately fall on its arse.

Still, as much as a Dredd movie would be nice, I'd really like to see a Sláine trilogy (berserker/king/horned god) along the lines of the piece that Spanish bloke did.


John C Mcginley isn't the spitting image of Cliff Robinson's Dredd.


1)  I pray that uber Lawyer Jake Bloom does not destroy any Dredd sequel as in my professional opinion he did with the first film by prohibiting his client Arnold Schwarzenegger from starring in the film and forcing the producers to hire Sly.

2) make sure Danny Cannon gets nowhere near any sequel.

3) please send royalities as we should get some reward after suffing through the first production.


"2) make sure Danny Cannon gets nowhere near any sequel."

You know, he was pretty young to be put in charge of that film which had more problems than guy who'd only made one film before.  Now, a mere 13 years later, he's a well respected director.  

What I'm trying to say is, Judge Dredd (1995) wasn't his fault.  Let it go...


If watch this first part of the film 'Desperation' here.


You may figure out forself immediatley wether or not Ron Perlman can be convincing Lawman iof the future.

Roger Godpleton

They'd better get this one write or someone will really suff for their crimes.

I'll figure out a torture method forself
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!


Hoover Boy said.......

QuoteHere's another name for you - watch The Rock (film not person) and tell me John C Mcginley isn't the spitting image of Cliff Robinson's Dredd.

Tweak 72 answered......

QuoteJohn C Mcginley isn't the spitting image of Cliff Robinson's Dredd.

I'd agree, if all of who have been mentioned the most on this thread already did not exist.

This fellow, a regular on 'Scrubs' also was motorcycle cop in 'Wild Hogs'.