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Started by Kerrin, 28 January, 2009, 10:07:53 PM

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Nice one Dog. That first cadet design works really well.

Dog Deever

Cheers. The quest for originality continues!
Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.

Peter Wolf

Those Judge Fear drawings are really rather good and would look good up on the wall.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death

Dog Deever

hah! Fat chance in my hoose- Mrs Deever would administer the death of the blood eagle with kitchen implements!
Anyway- I might have drawn them, but it's not really my work (unfortunately).
So they sit around in a folder which disappears under piles of other shite from time to time.

I can't stand looking at my own stuff after a while, all the inadequacies glare out as if surrounded by a 'ready brek' glow!

Mrs Deever once put up some paintings I did whilst at college because she liked them. After suffering them for a couple of years I couldn't stand it any more so I waited til she was out then took them down and banished them to the attic (she doesn't like heights and can't climb up to get them). That settled that. Cruel and shitty, I know- but it needed doing, they were driving me mental.
By way of reparation I bought her a big Waterhouse print and had it framed and put it up.

Here's one for you, Peter (I've been tidying up today)- done in black biro with no pencilling, although the refernce material was in front of me.

and more complete (pencils and inks)...

Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.

Peter Wolf

Nice one.


I want to frame some of mine and hang them up but for a start professional framing is something i cant stretch to at present and also each time i finish a piece i think i will frame it and then later on i realise that it isnt quite good enoughalthough its getting better.

I never get tired of looking at the good pieces though.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


Quoteby Dog Deever on Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:42 pm
Anything else in life is learned through imitation. Imagine if we all learned to speak by just making it up as we went along! Nobody would understand each other.

Thats how I post alot of the time.


This afternoon, after I had vanquished the secondary rain forest that had taken up residence in the back garden, I have been messing around with little 300x300 pixel doodles for avatars.

A rather accomplished attempt at a shield I think you'll agree.

Green Bonce.

A beautified self portrait.

Chap with Spug written on his forehead.

Current favourite.

Great fun. Have a go.


I rather like the self-portrait one.

-A person's mind can be changed by reading information on the internet. The nature of this change will be from having no opinion to having a wrong opinion-


Only natural, I am a bit of a stunner.


Peter Wolf

The current favorite of yours that is your Icon is brilliant.

Its a perfect icon and it ought to be the next Smiley that ends up as part of popular culture.It would be just as good without the teeth.

It seems to imply stupidity.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death



I believe it's working within the constrictions of the 300x300 format that has imbued the image with it's moronic purity.

Lord Running Clam

I somehow managed to lose my old icon when fiddling with setting so I painted this one.

It's not 300 x 300 but hope you don't mind me posting it.

Doing my own icon design was quite fun so I may have a go at another at some point.


Hey, that's brilliant your clamness. How big can we make our avatars now to import them? I guess it's not 300x300 anymore.

And you post whatever you like here Clam, same as ever.


A rather more civilised avatar. I've done all these mucking about in "Gimp" with the most basic of settings.