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Missing Prog 1621

Started by jabish, 08 February, 2009, 10:04:42 PM

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Hi all,

I'm still waiting on my subscription copy of prog 1621, I know the snow on Sunday/monday has messed things up slightly but I thought I'd have it by now. Has anyone else in the london area not got their copy yet?

Also does the subs department have an email address?




sorry just a quick bump as this seems to be flying down the active posts page.

Any info much appreciated.



try calling 01621 877 250 - The lovely Denise has always sorted out the very occasional missing prog for me no problem. Or e-mail"> (I seem to recall another email address being mentioned on this forum some months back try a search, but I can't recall what it was, and I've never tried using either of 'em).

Are you sure it isn't just postal probs? I gather London postal service isn't great the best of times, but after last week's Apocalypse of White Doom (judging by the softie Southern mard-arse media) I understand that things are far from back to normal.


2 weeks of progs arrived today along with a load of other post so all is good.

Thanks for the reply dandontdare, its handy to have those contact details anyway.
