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Started by JayzusB.Christ, 04 March, 2009, 11:50:24 PM

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QuoteIn the comic book you get a rea sense that Dr Manhattan isn't human and clothes don't matter to him.

I always took his progressive nudity as a symbol of his growing disconnection with human society, rather than his literal non-humanity (which might have been better addressed by his no longer bothering to use a human form).   Nothing says 'your culturally-specific concerns mean nothing to me' like wandering about with your wang out.

As you can probably tell, I'm very very drunk.


Quote from: "TordelBack"As you can probably tell, I'm very very drunk.

And sitting there with your wang out?
Nobody warned me I would be so awesome.


The real question is did he get a horn in public?

...also he can make it as big or small as he wants.


Quote from: "garageman"...also he can make it as big or small as he wants.
shit, he could have 50 blue bell ends of varying sizes erupting from every bit of his body if he felt like it! :oops: [/size]


Quote from: "dandontdare"
Quote from: "garageman"...also he can make it as big or small as he wants.
shit, he could have 50 blue bell ends of varying sizes erupting from every bit of his body if he felt like it! :D

then they could call him DOC COCK!


QuoteThryllSeekyr wrote:Well, thats one way you could a daughter who was also wife or lover without incriminating the Comedian further. Silk Spectre was in position to be Comedians wife, lover and daughter by her title alone. Because it was continued by her daughter.

I have no idea what you're on about here.

I figured that the SIlk Spetre was a title passed from a mother to her daughter. Whom I assumed to be The Comedian's Daughter as well by rape. So the SIlk Spectre by virtue of that title could very well have been the Comedians Wife, Lover, as well as Daughter without even commiting incest. Even if it wasn't the same person being the SIlk Spectre. It was still the Silk Spectre. Basically thats possible if more than one person has been Silk Spectre within that other persond lifetime.

I just meant that she's got that hair style popularised by the dair haired, heroins of old pulp comcis. Not that I could find any good example. Maybe you know of some. I have two comic books in my collection with artwork by MIke Roberts, Butch Burcham, Ernie Chan, Rudy Nebres, Nestor Redondo, Alfredo Alcala, Pablo Marcos, Gonzalo Mayo, Thomas Yeates, Dell Barras, C.B. Corby. with artwork gravitating towards what I mean.

I have seen pictures of Conan drawn the same way. I just can't find them.

QuoteIn the film he looks kind of human, with wrinkly skin, moles,

Thats abit gross.

Concerning Dr ManHatten. I was wondering what is it with blue guys or blue people and 2000AD. Is there any conection between him and the Blue skinn Geneitc Infantry men of Rogue Trooper?

Is Blue the new Martian green?

There's also Elfric of the Slaine mythos. Another Blue chap that I have also connected with Rogue Trooper. Though I would also like to draw attention to the circle thats drawn on  Dr Mahatten's head and Elfric's third eye that sometimes makes a appearance.

I think I recall something to do with cloning. Not that I read the graphic novel or even seen the film yet.

QuoteThe real question is did he get a horn in public?

...also he can make it as big or small as he wants.

That's gonna attract alot females to see this film , right?


Well, finally went to see this last night and must say I feel a bit let down by the whole thing. It could have been a lot worse, sure, but it also could have been a LOT better.

First and foremost, I felt that many of the standout moments in the book (Ozzy telling Dan he activated the device "35 minutes ago", the Laurie/Comedian reveal, Kovac's therapy sessions, the two Bernie's embrace ) just fell flat when they should have been electrifying, and overall the film felt soulless. I'd definitely agree with whoever said there's no tangible sense of threat to humanity other than because characters in the film say there is.

I'm no prude, I'd even say I enjoy the odd bit of splatter, but the sex and violence in this film is just completely out of place and gratuitous. The outrageous violence in Sin City and 300 works, because its appropriate for the source material but here I felt like it just destroyed any hope the film had of being taken seriously as a work of art - it was juvenile in the extreme and cheapened the whole thing immeasurably.

As far as I remember, there's only two or three genuinely gruesome moments in the graphic novel - they really work to give the reader a sudden jolt - but when its wall to wall gore it just fails to shock. Laurie and Dan would never have actually killed those guys in the back alley, and why on earth did we get treated to a lingering shot of guts hanging from a chandelier during the Doc Manhattan bit? Was the Big Figure death scene really improved by having blood seeping out from under the toilet door? Most unforgivably of all - why oh why did they feel the need to elaborate on that awful attempted rape scene? When you're dealing with child abduction and sexual violence you should tread extremely carefully - even more so if its done in a fantasy setting. This just came off as crass and tasteless.

IMO, they shouldn't have changed the ending - they should have kept the Squid (it would look no sillier than a giant naked blue bald man!), and what was left of the ending was handled badly. Ironically, we weren't shown the truly horrific moment in the book - the New York streets lined with bodies, and we weren't really given time to absorb what Adrian had actually done. The final confrontation was a confused mess as everyone bundled on each other, and Rorschach's death was far more affecting (and appropriate) as portrayed in the book (unmourned, no witnesses).

On the plus side, technically it was a triumph - costumes, effects, sets, direction (the slow-mo didn't bother me at all) - the overall attention to detail. The first half of the film (the credits especially) was incredible. The casting was wonderful, nearly everyone was played pitch perfect - I didn't even have a problem with Laurie or Adrian like most did.


Quote from: "radiator"IMO, they shouldn't have changed the ending - they should have kept the Squid (it would look no sillier than a giant naked blue bald man!), and what was left of the ending was handled badly.

It's wasn't the silliness that was the problem, it was the extra half hour of plot they would have had to keep in to make the squid ending work properly.

I think it should have been made as 2 two hour films released 3 months apart.

Toni Scandella

The things that jarred the most for me was the ridiculously bad make-up to make Sally Jupiter look old and Richard Nixon's honker of a nose.  Those two things alone are what stood out above all else.

I still can't decide if I enjoyed this film or not.


Saw it yesterday and have to admit I did enjoy this. [spoiler:2ahqd7vm]Would loved to have seen the giant Octopus but think they did well on the idea of the Doc being the constant threat[/spoiler:2ahqd7vm].

Drokking since 1972

Peace is a lie, there's only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.


I finally saw this yesterday and reading Radiator's review there made me feel loads better as that is pretty much exactly how I felt.  I'm not a gore fan, but don't mind a little, Sin City actually did it excellantly as did Joss Whedon in the Serenity film with River and the Reavers.  The violence and level of gore was too much, and actually several people walked out of the cinema in Newcastle.  "Souless" is a good sum up, I think I have said heartless elsewhere.  No heart, no soul, technically sublime, some wonderful casting (except for very very skinny Adrian) and performances.  It looks wonderful.   I have to say when I came out, I felt like I'd been through the wringer, and was completely missing that wonderful euphoria you get when you have loved a film.  Shame.


Finally saw this today - well, most of it.  I'm in Cairo, so there was very little nudity indeed, which meant the film flickered around quite a bit.  I take it Veidt disintegrating Dr Manhattan was a full frontal given that it was completely missed out here?  Still, thought it was terrific.  My big criticism (and it relates to virtually all movies these days) is that it's recorded on bright video instead of dark, grainy film.  I don't expect my comic book movies to be the same as comics.  That said, unless (and I wish they had) made it in to two movies, it would struggle to get much better.  Ending reminded me of the last issue of the original Silver Surfer comic.  A better ending than the Moore one IMHO.


Doctor dangler would be a females dream not a spoiler but a tone lower'er [spoiler:3aid0syv]He could do both holes at the same time, brown and pink.[/spoiler:3aid0syv]

Drokking since 1972

Peace is a lie, there's only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.

House of Usher

:shock: What everybody else is only thinking, and Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons implied, Vzzbux goes and says right out...

Roger Godpleton

He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!